I wasn't sure what to blog today as it has been yet another busy Saturday. Tuesday my husband and I had taken the day off work and gone to Montreal furniture shopping where we found an awesome highboy for Jeff's dressing room and a credenza for the dining room. Yesterday we headed back to Montreal, picked up the furniture with my parent's SUV and trailer, and drove back home - in the rain. How nerve-wracking! I thought for sure the credenza was going to get soaked and ruined but luckily it survived. I will share them here soon (and the other little things I bought that day). Until then I was wondering what to blog today, when I remembered I had taken some photos the other day that I could share. I was off work Friday as well so after a trip to the dentist and the bank I took a walk down my street to the nearest coffee shop - blumenstudio. This is not your ordinary coffee shop. It also happens to be the coolest flower/plant shop around.

Owner Kat (along with Nathan) has been a floral designer for almost 20 years. She grew up in Germany and moved to Ottawa 12 years ago, and opened this shop in 2011. She has an amazing eye for design and creates the most spectacular floral arrangements and her selection of plants is to die for. I have been in the shop a couple of times now since moving to this 'hood and each time I want to leave with...everything. I think I will be stopping in for a latte and maybe a plant on a regular basis. You should too if you are in the Parkdale/Civic Hospital area.

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