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Entries in books (114)


Abigail Ahern - Colour

Abigail Ahern has released her new book called Colour and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy! (According to Amazon it's not available in Canada until August dammit!) She really is an inspiration to me. I love her bold style and her appreciation for the darker side of decor. The main perk of this book is that the photos are by one of our all-time favourite photographers, Graham Atkins-Hughes! This is a must-have book for sure, so order your now if it's out in your country, or pre-order it like I think I might do. Here is a little sneak peak. 

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Maria Brito - a Long Island home 

Venezuelan Maria Gabriela Brito is an interior designer now based in New York City who pulls out all the stops and breaks all the rules. Maria loves colour, patterns, and her number one standout is art. That is in fact one of her goals - to turn her clients into meaningful art collectors (more on that in the next post). Here is a home she designed in Long Island, NY. It is bold, lofty, quirky and really fun.  

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Stalking a Paddington terrace

I'm stalking a Nobbs Radford designed terrace house renovation in Paddington, Sydney. Contemporary yet classic. A small footprint with big style. If you'd like to see the house with a minimal look check out the architect's site but I think I like it best with just a little more lived in character. Link here while it lasts.

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Book storage under stairs

I LOVE this! Book storage under stairs! The scheme makes the most of the split floor levels, as floors in the snug become walls, with flooring lining recessed walls, and steps become shelves extending around the walls, and becoming a bench seat by the existing fireplace on one side, and a desk on the other. The steps have been appropriated as a place for family members to sit, chat, read, write, draw, perform, and play, and the snug has become the centre of the home and of family life. Via Zminkowska De Boise Architects


A book lover's dream

This is any book lover's dream - tons and tons of book storage that is far from your typical row of Ikea Billy bookcases. If I had this shelving I would spend my days scouring book stores. It is the perfect excuse. By Feldman Architecture