Monday's pets on furniture
Sorry dear readers who tune in Mondays in the hopes of finding photos of adorable pets lounging on furniture, but I think this is going to be the last post of this series. I have been doing this for many years now, and submissions have been decreasing to the point where it seems like I should probably call it quits. I had a great time getting to know your pets and the photos have been awesome, a bright light on an otherwise dreadful start of each week. Thanks to everyone who has participated over the years.
This is Lola. She is a five year old Pug from The Hague Holland. She likes to hang out and watch people on the street on top of my blue vintage Chesterfield couch.
- Rick
Sir Puss – he is part royalty and part cat model extraordinaire
- Ole & Gen (Victoria, BC)
This is Barney, one of our four "kiddens". All are rescues. Barney found us on a very hot July day, under the porch of my husband's family home in south Alabama. We love him so much!
- Gail (Birmingham, Alabama)
Here are a couple I took a few weeks ago, coincidentally both cats caught mid-yawn...
And a quick update about my 3 feral kitties. They're doing is a slow process but they are noticeably less stressed by my presence. I have faith in Georgie, Frankie and Bernie that they'll become big affectionate babies like my other 5, and will be perfect adoption candidates.
Georgie, the last cat we rescued, and the shyest pre-rescue, to my surprise was immediately the boldest one post-rescue. I had to back up a bit to get this photo, that's how close she/he was to me here. So freaking cute, it's killing me to not be able to squeeze the crap out of them.
Georgie loves catnip. It is a tool I plan to use to drug them all so they won't know the wiser. ;) Look closely and you'll see all three.
Bernie was the friendliest outside, who had let me pet her for a couple of months before the rescue. She's not really into being touched now that I have ruined her life, and that breaks my heart. But she'll do just about anything for chicken. She came out of the cardboard structure after I snapped this photo and ate with me right there.
Reader Comments (30)
sorry to hear that, but thanks for all your pet posts. i totally concur with them being a great start to the week-although they really make me want to get up from my desk and work and go home to my 2 cats!
take care,
Longtime reader, delurking to say I'm sorry to hear this series will end. Always thought to send a photo of my cat on furniture, but none of them seemed good enough. Thanks for all the great Monday Pets!
Thanks, Kim, for all your great posts! Your feral rescues will soon be snoozing (and yawning) on fantastic furniture :)
Thank you for this series! I've been coming to your site every Monday for a couple of years now to enjoy the pets. I'll surely miss it!!
Well.....bummer :(
I love them. I will just come back every Monday and look at your archives then. I love photos that feature pets. Pets/dogs/cats can be so much more fun than people lol.
Thanks for the many years of posts, sorry to see it go. Would make a good coffee table book :)
Thank you for posting Barney's picture! So sorry to hear that you won't be able to do this feature anymore, but I understand. Your feral babies are on their way quite well. It took us several months working with our two feral sisters when they were babies in our backyard in Tampa FL and then making the transition to indoor cats, but they are now so happy and so healthy and amazingly, the most affectionate and cuddly girls I could have ever imagined.
Oh no! I will truly miss this series. I so looked forward to Monday's Pets on Furniture. It really did make my Mondays! I too had often wanted to send in photos of my cats but thought you probably had so many pictures to chose from (with all the different furniture pieces) that mine would not make the cut. I wish I would have sent some in now. I have my own indoor only cats (all rescues) and then I have an assortment of strays and ferals that I take care of outside as well. You are such a good person to care enough to help these stray and feral kitties! If only there were more people like you!
No say it ain't so! I LOVE this series. I actually read every description and study every animal. There's something so loving about it. Thanks for bringing it to the world, I'm sad it won't be part of my Mondays any more.
Oh, I'm sorry to read this news. I love the Monday Pets on Furniture series. I can't believe you've seen a decrease in submissions. I would have guessed the opposite, since people love photographing their pets (I know I do). I'm sure you'll have some other disappointed readers, but you must do what you feel is best. Thanks for the update on your kitties. Glad they are doing well.
:( Hey how about re-running the series from the beginning! I know that I would enjoy that!
I will miss Pets on Furniture!
I will miss it, but thanks for all the photos over the years, Kim. It's been a great run. Many favorite landscape-format dog photos from MPOF have become rotating wallpaper backgrounds on my Windows PC. The shot of pug Lola on top of the blue Chesterfield couch was a great one to go out with for me. Best wishes, David
Dear Kim, you have enough cats :-))))) to run monday's pets alone!
I'm as bummed as you all are….but I can't continue without submissions.
I do like your idea Margaret. Maybe I'll dig through the archives for the next few Mondays :)
@Ombia - LOL!!!
Oh no! Pets on furniture is a favorite, I'd send some photos myself if I had a pet! But I have enjoyed everyone's lovelies- thank you
Thank you for brightening up my Monday's over the last many, many years! And thank you for publishing our puppy photos (sculley and fox) and our dear sweet kitty cat mulvey. I'll miss it and miss sharing the pics with anyone who was sitting near me (mainly hubby). Best of luck with the new family additions - I'm sure they'll be perfectly happy and cuddly kitties under your care.
This blog has brightened my Mondays for the last few years. Thank you very much.
Thanks for all the posts. They are a joy! Even though it is such a big world, I always feel a kinship with all the pet lovers.
I'll second Susan's idea of a coffee table book - I'd buy it! Thanks, Kim, for your work - Mondays have been brighter with Pets on Furniture. Wilson and Cotton also thank you for posting their pics!
That's so sad. I follow a lot of animal rights type blogs - so many heart-rendering stories. I loved this feature because it showed the compassionate side of humanity (many rescue pets living wonderful lives). Not to mention, glimpses of beautiful homes and laughing at funny stories. Just reading the names of pets made me smile. And I teared up plenty of times while reading about pets who passed away. Thanks for putting it all together and to all the pet parents who participated.
I'll miss it too. Margaret's idea is great!
I used to visit the catorialist ( but there isn't new photographies anymore :(
Good luck with your pets!
Sob :(
Thanks to all for the great posts, I really look forward to them each week. And you never know - perhaps it will return with a vengeance after a short break. Meanwhile, a dig through the archives definitely sounds in order.