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Staffan Tollgard

This home in Notting Hill designed by British interior design firm Staffan Tollgård is an absolute dream. The architecture (moldings, gorgeous staircase, massive kitchen window) combined with the dramatic modern/contemporary furnishings and eclectic/funky accents (how cool is that wall of vintage cage pendants, and the random dump truck art in the kitchen) makes this one spectacular home that I could move right into and not change a thing - except I'd lose the dead owl, and switch out the light fixture in the living room for something less pretty.  

Reader Comments (3)

Now that is how to use art. Massive, masculine, impressive office -- omg, those chairs! that desk! And then cheerful, expressive art you might find in a funky barbershop. It's always exciting to see a small space turned into a credible kitchen -- anyone can turn a huge space into a lovely reception room, but fitting a welcoming and working kitchen in an 8x6 area takes something extra. I wish the oh-so-serious lounge had sported the wallpaper from the stairway! Did the fish tank end up as just a very expensive punctuation of hallway? Because that would be sad. It was lovely. And expensive.

I'll admit I'm never impressed to see deco items being moved about. The extent of the budget available is obvious -- get in a second vase and bunch of flowers for your photo shoot!

4 May 2013 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Muito lindo, adorei! O banheiro então, noossa!

6 May 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNeilany Soares

Love those cage light fixtures.

6 May 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSimple Things

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