Union Jacks
Too cool! Rule Britannia! Jamie Oliver's new restaurant Union Jacks designed by Blacksheep. It's quirky, it's fun. It's cheeky and clichéd Brit through and through. Nostalgia and post-war echoes, childhood memories and great food. Not just a concept eatery with theatrics and bells and whistles though, it is a fabulously well designed restaurant as you would expect for a top chef like Jamie.
Reader Comments (5)
I didn't know what half the stuff on the menu was but it sure looks like a good place to eat. Very retro and fun.
Hi, Soooo nice and cool!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great day!!
I really don't understand why these chairs are so in right now because over here, in Eastern Europe, they were a constant feature of comunism-dictated interior design. They were everywhere: schools, hospitals, offices etc. They had no padding, just wood and metal, and they always seemed cold and uninviting to me. Now that they (almost) vanished from my culture I have a strange feeling of relief :)
I'd love to eat here - it looks quirky and casual and I'm sure the food is awesome
In case anyone's wondering, it's in London -- a detail that the blog author omitted.
Mr. Oliver has numerous restaurants in numerous cities on at least two continents.