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Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send me photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)

In Spain I work as a interior designer, so your blog inspires me a lot! I'm also an animal lover so i want to send you some pictures of my beloved dog "Tapón".
- Ana (Madrid, Spain)

Last time I sent you a picture of Max. This time of his sister, little Miss Tinkerbell. She is a tortoiseshell cat and has the personality that goes with it: strong-willed, fiercely independent and like her brother and mum (both ginger) very talkative. She makes her presence and needs known with a meow to a strong purr. She is a hand full but so cute…
- Sandra (The Netherlands)

Our pups, Nigel and Levon really know how to relax.
Levon, the puppy, loves the chairs in the sunroom, especially after they've baked in the sun all afternoon.
Nigel, the teenager, has claimed the couch for his naps: he can watch the birds and kitties outside the window without budging a hair.
- Melissa (San Francisco, CA)

These are my pets, Spaz (cat) and Idgie (dog). Spaz is 13 and is Idgie is 10 months. We live in Fort Worth, TX. Spaz is featured on my vintage dining booth. The second photo is a lazy Sunday spent on the couch, a rare moment of peace :).
- Sarah

This is our yorkie puppy, Sam, that I actually got to sit still for one brief moment!
- Allison (Greensboro, NC)

This is a picture of my make cat Ikea Boy relaxing on his fave spot at home. He is the meekest sweetest cat alive!
- Ypille 

Here is a photo of Zoe---I put this sleigh out for the holidays but Zoe saw a "new bed" and I can't put it away until she chooses another favorite spot to sleep.
- Vicky 

Reader Comments (8)

Thanks DTI for featuring my youngest, newest child Ikea Boy! he looks cute!

27 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYpille

So many little cuties.

27 Feb 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchrista

I so wish I could have pets. My boyfriend's very allergic, so I come here on Mondays to see all the cuteness I'm missing.

27 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAllegra

Que adorable Tapón, el nombre le cuadra perfecto! ;)

27 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCata

Nigel and Levon should give us a home tour...

27 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGinger

Wow! I love the first photo!! Adorable!

28 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAllyoursites

The cat in the sled kills me! Would love a house tour of Sandra`s place - looks very intriguing.

28 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterOttawa alternagrrrl

Hola Ana, tu bull dog Tapón es precioso. Yo tambien tengo una hembra, Lola, a la que adoro. Se parece mucho a Tapón. De que criadero proviene?
Un abrazo

10 Mar 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlma

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