Fellow Ottawans - your chance to be on TV!!
This is a special blog post for all my fellow Ottawans out there who have always wanted to be on TV and never got the chance. Mountain Road Productions in association with the W Network is planning a second season of the show All For Nothing and they are looking for Ottawa homeowners to participate. Here's the scoop: Each episode pits homeowner against homeowner in a competition to get their homes market ready in just two weeks - and the homeowners do all the work (with help from anyone they can get their hands on, and spending as little as possible). Benefitting from free real estate and design advice (from agent Paul Rushforth and designer Penny Southam), the seller with the highest increase in value at the end of two weeks will win the commission-free listing services of Paul. (In a two week period homeowners have been able to increase the value of their homes by as much as $50,000!!) I caught an old episode the other morning and it looks like a blast! So if you're interested check out this website for the entry form and more details. We also have an ad in our sidebar (see image above) that will take you to their site. Go Ottawa!
Reader Comments (1)
go go go. Good luck guys!
I hope the network will feature a bungalow houses or anything that is unique.