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Damilano Studio

Thanks to the inspiring creativity of Italian architecture firm Damilano Studio, I've got some new content for my dreams that have me waking up all hot and bothered...good room porn always gets me going. :-)

Reader Comments (4)

My gosh! I'm drooling!

10 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa

I want everything here. Including the perfect well behaved reading children :)
Gorgeous, thanks for posting

10 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKate

JAW-DROPPINGLY BEAUTIFUL.....the fact that there's no art on the walls is not surprising as nature is doing a wonderful job...i don't think i would do anything in this house except look out of those windows all day long!! great find, Kim!! xx meenal

WOW! When can I move in? Lately, you seem to have a knack for houses that both my boyfriend (loving stone walls) and me (loving clean white spaces) would move in instantly. How did you know we are house hunting? ^^

12 Mar 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRelatable Style

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