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Jessica's project #2

Jessica from my previous post took on the design of her friends' home almost 2 years ago and the result is a warm, contemporary vibe that is classic and will stand the test of time. Talk about gorgeous colours! Thanks for sharing Jessica!

** I closed the comments on this post because they were no longer about Jessica's designs but became an excuse for a b*tchfest. Sorry folks, but it seems some just can't play nice, and that ruins it for everyone else.

Reader Comments (39)

Thank you for posting this. I actually saved the pictures for inspiration when I decorate our home. Believe it or not, i TRULY appreciate this post because this is DO-ABLE design not something only an interior decorator with a huge budget can do. I think these rooms are liveable and realistic. The color pallete is warm and inspiring. And yes, I think people dont have to like everything you post but at the same time - criticism should be constructive and proper, not rude.

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

Additionally, I was wondering where the lamps were from in the dining room?

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

Jeeez, people. Kim specifically said this designer is just starting out. She's working with what she's got, that is, her friends' places. Clearly she's not working with $5-million dollar properties and unlimited budgets (just yet). So relax with the comparisons to magazine photo shoots. Sheesh. Everyone has to start somewhere.

And why question her position at an international design firm? What the heck do you know about her day job? Weird, dudes. That is just plain weird.

Yeah PD. I vote that all assholes be banned instead. I guess that means you're out.

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim in Jersey

Great post, well done! Orange is my fav color!

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOrange!

Hi Tanya -

Most of the lamps in the house are from Arteriors Home. They are pretty affordable. Arteriors is to the trade only. However, I would be happy to help you purchase anything. They are also carried at HD Buttercup here in LA and other various smaller vendors. most likely ABC carpet and home has them too, but I bet they mark them up a bunch.

Thanks for all the complements!

Jess - Nest Studio

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJess - Nest Studio

@ kim in jersey.... How constructive, and articulate you are..... charming too.... I'm sure.

By the way my earlier @kim post was to the site author, not yours truly - so in future please refrain from the abusing me, whilst I express my opinions, if you have a problem with my opinions, get some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - I'm sure it will improve your life and social interactions/skills.

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPD

I really love the rooms in the first 3 photos. I think the orange on the walls is awesome (I'm a big fan of a splash of bright color). So many pieces in that first room that are a match for my tastes. I'm glad she chose some curtains that weren't fussy (valences, lots of fabric, etc.) as it suits the room well. The strip of yellow paint around the uprisen ceiling area is genius because it adds and extra oomph to the room and deals with that rise in a nice way. The collection of multicolored glassware is beautiful! The family room in the last few photos feels a bit tight, perhaps because of the dimensions of the room and the way the furniture is laid out. I see how someone would comment that everything is oriented towards the tv set, however, if that's what the residents wanted, then it's best to please the residents!

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

I am perfectly aware that it was directed at her! I found all of your comments -- INCLUDING your criticism of the blog owner as being "bitchy" -- ridiculous.

Love the CBT reference, though. Projection much?

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim in Jersey

@Kim in Jersey, point taken. I think Kim the blog author puts a huge amount of time
and effort into the blog. If my comments were interpeted as criticism of kim ...I apologise that wasn't my intention - I just feel blogs should "self police" with little intervention from the Author.
Also my CBT Comment was a cheap shot, in response to your name calling "assholes" jibe. I apologise it was reactionarie and unfair.
Have a good weekend ;) x

11 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPD

I can appreciate Jessica's work and her talents and I think she did a great job! If you don't you don't need to bash her( Tom and PD) just nod and move on! Interior design is like any kind of art, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I've seen plenty of well known designers in Magazines do hideous work. And who are you to judge, really! A couple of petty people that don't have anything better to do with their time?
Just remember Jessica, people who are bullies are usually insecure about themselves.

12 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSXM

SXM, to quote you "who are you to judge, really"

You appear to be missing the point of a comments blog. Everyone who comments is making a judgement.

You condemn Tom and PD for making comments and then go on to judge them as "petty people with nothing better to do with their time" "bullies" "insecure", oooh and for good measure "well know designers in magazines' are judged too.

I'll use your quote again "who are you to judge, really".

13 Feb 2011 | Unregistered Commenterzara- LON- uk

Funny how when one gives an opinion he is or she is considered rude.
I find it really sad that Kim the owner and person making money from this site is even having issues with me leaving comments.
What it boils down to is fear of losing money just like everything else in life one must conform to keep the $ flowing.
Design is about opinions just like art NOT everything is LOVED by everyone and it's sad that you people don't understand this.
A design blog with censored comments and nothing but praise is useless for it's readers.
When a design blog gets major press as this one does then you are going to get a variety of opinions from people around the world.
Grow up Kim you're suppose to be a business woman not a bully to your readers for crying out loud.

13 Feb 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom



And for those reasons, I am closing comments.

13 Feb 2011 | Registered CommenterKiM
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