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Reading Guide part 1.4

Finally the finish line is in sight! The last of our featured blogs for 2011. I have loved sharing all these wonderful sites. Almost 100 ... yes 100 (actually 98 but who's quibbling ;) blogs and tumblrs to explore and enjoy. Ok are we settled in? Are we ready for our last whip around the blogosphere? Let's go!










Reader Comments (14)

Thank you for including my blog on your list! It´s a great way to show different options to readers! saludos from Mexico!

The reading guides were amazing!! Too bad is the last one. It was very exciting to find all the fortunate bloggers mentioned each time. I took time to visit each one of them, and they are all worth the visit.
Happy New Year!!!

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commentertatiana doria

Os deseo un año nuevo 2012 lleno de maravillosos proyectos como los que nos regaláis cada día desde vuestro blog, un año lleno de felicidad e ilusión que espero compartir con vosotras. Un beso y un fuerte abrazo.

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChic & Decó

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and best wishes, I hope that next year we have many more ideas!!!

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMother in law

Thank you very much!! We are so happy to be included in your Reading Guide 2011...

We wish you a happy new 2012!!

Muchas gracias y mañana... a pasarlo bien!! Una noche suuuuuperchula para todos y a entrar con buen pie!


30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMiraquechulo

Iḿ just tickling inside. My favourites are included. Thanks for these once again.

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerhi

Thanks for including urban kaleidoscope in your reading guide. It made my day and was a total surprise as I have been avidly been clicking onto the others over the last few days. Thank you for the continued inspiration. Feel honoured to be in the company of such incredible blogs. Looking forward to a wonderful 2012 filled with beautiful places from all over the world.

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkate

Thank you so much for including our blog in your reading guide 2011, is the best way to end the year! I wish you a happy new year 2012. Muchos besos!

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFani

I am getting NOTHING done at home or at work, thanks to your excellent reading guides.
Thanks, I guess.

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlisa

Thanks so much for the reading guides. I have been looking through them and adding them to my farourites. It's especially nice to have them at this time of year, when so many of my favourites are taking a break, and I have some time off to look at them.

30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlisa

Thank you for all the inspiration. I have been through all 98 of the blogs you have shown and I can assure you that I have added quite a lot of new blogs to my reader :-)
I'm looking forward to follow all the (to me) new blogs in the new year.

Happy new year!!!


30 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWally

Oh my goodness, I feel so honored to be included in the featured blogs!!! I now have 97 more sites to distract me from what I should really be doing ;-)
Happy New Year!

31 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

Delightful to see some fresh new faces here amongst your list...have already bookmarked a fair few of them from your links - thank you! Nice to see some which have more of a personal perspective too, which is so much better than just slavishly copying images from other blogs. Great list!

2 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGlamour Drops

A reader of mine just called to my attention that my blog made your reading list! What a wonderful surprise. Thank you so very much. I am honored to be part of the list!! You truly made my morning a fabulous one! xoxo

5 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDebby

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