Reading guide part 1.3
I've developed an addiction to christmas cake. This is worrying. I can't seem to boil the kettle without reaching for the cake tin. Help! And I never thought that I would ever say that if I see another piece of leftover ham I think I will become a pig. I don't mean an over eater. I mean the animal. My new year's resolutions will have to include lots of exercise. Time to sit back, boil that kettle and try not to reach for the cake. It's blog time!
Reader Comments (20)
Love these. I am a total cake addict too. Enjoy and exercise moderately. In adorable outfits. xo
Hi girls, thanks for including ChicDecó in this list of blogs! I'm so happy to see my blog in Desire to Inspire! Happy New Year! Rosa
Ohhh, I feel like a piece of Christmas cake. Must go and cut myself a piece. Love the first image of all the green. Fav colour around here at this time of year.
Many of those are spanish blogs! :D I love most of them, thanx for sharing and merry christmas
Im so honored to be included in this list of blogs! Thank you for mentioning me and happy holidays!!
Thank you so much for the honour of beign noticed here. Terhi from Finland. Happy new year!!!
So delighted to be included in your Reading Guide. Thank you so much. Wishing you all a wonderful new year! Phil xxxxxxxxxxx
Such a great way (and simple) to find new blogs - more of this please!!
¡Viva España!
Great selection!! Some of them are written by Spanish bloggers.
This is a great way to get to know new fantastic blogs.
Thank you very much!!! What a surprise! Your blog is a real inspiration to me.
A lot of kisses!!!
Thank you so much for including me here! I must say, it was a big surprise! I hope you will have a wonderful New Year's Eve!
xxx Victoria, A faded palette
I´m soooo surprised, happy and excited to be in this list that I can hardly believe it! :-) Thank you so much girls!! It´s a long time I´ve been admiring your "desire to inspire us" and I feel really honoured!! Wish you the best for 2012!!! :-)
What a beautiful surprise ending this year!Thank u so much.
Your blog is an inspiration for me.
Happy new year!
thanks ...and happy 2012
mart a.
Having a blast, Kim going through all your recommended reading guides! Makes these quiet late December days easier to get through. The pressure is on for January! Deborah
Deborah, I can't take credit. Jo is the queen of reading lists. Next week I'll be bustin' out my fav rooms of 2011 posts.
Thank you so much for this great list with really great blog, that are worth a visit or two. It's a wonderful source to find new blogs...
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for the beautiful surprise! I am very happy also to see my fellow bloggers from Spain.
Feliz 2012!
Ohhh thank you so much for featuring my blog, I feel as if I've had my cake and eaten it! Warmest wishes for a wonderful 2012 - Glenda
Thank you! <3