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Monday's pets on furniture

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)

This is picture of my two fur kids, Fletcher (on the right) and Gracie, resting on my bed.  Although it gets very crowded and uncomfortable, my husband and I let them both sleep in bed with us.  
- Carolyn (Massachusetts)

I thought you would like this pic of our poodle in a vintage chairs in ours home entryway. Its name is Bolt.
- Karina (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

I have a Dog and a Cat (Yoshimi and Maximiliano) and they love to spend the afternoon sleeping under the sunlight on my bed. I designed and fabricated the bed in aluminum (frame) and stainless steel (headboard).
- Francisco

This is sleepy Mia cuddling with our family dog, and wide-awake Mia on a Thonet chair that I reupholstered and painted.
- Anna (San Francisco)

We brought our new kitten home for the holidays to meet the family dog. Despite their vast difference in size, I think it's clear who has the power...
- Ansel & Sarah


I've attached a photo of Fifi and Pierre, my Bichon Frise, on my bed. It has a lovely headboard, and they love getting up amongst the pillows.
- The Distressed Mother

here's our little (well not so little) rescue cat, Iggy (aka da Monster as we got him on Halloween)! as you can tell, he's far from camera shy and puts up a great big show for us anytime we have the camera out!
- Jane (Brooklyn, NY)

This is Clifford on his throne (aka his favorite chair)
Sweet little Clifford enjoying the bed as always :-)

- Emily (Belmont Shore, CA)

My cat, Buttercup, and black lab, Lexi on a chair in Lancaster, PA.
- Chelsea

This is Buster, our Cockapoo, lounging by our newly remodeled fireplace. It's the warmest spot in the house!
- Carolyn (Camarillo, CA)

Reader Comments (10)

Kitten power! Ansel and Sarah, adorable sequence of a reversal of roles in cats vs. dogs.

Jane, Iggy is quite the entertainer! We adopted 2 of our cats on my birthday (day before Halloween) but could not take them home until after (shelter rules due to some people using animals for satanic rituals that time of year).

19 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commentersue

You made me all so lucky-on-Monday again and I couldnĀ“t stand to lough heartly about Iggy da Monster and Buster da Cookapoo - lets all learn a lot from them, enjoying the holidays. I will try to send a picture of Paul da Cat. I have!

Thanks, Sue + Amina! (and thanks to the ever so lovely crew a la desiretoinspire for posting the pics)! Iggy is definitely a big flirt...we were told that he might be "people shy" due to his prior home environment, etc. we are very pleased to say that he is so far from from that. we got very lucky and can't get enough of the Iggy Monster :)
happy holidays everyone!

19 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJane

I adore this feature. Thank you Kim! Or, rather, Merci!
They are all lovely, and obviously much loved members of the family. Hope for that for all animals this Christmas, especially the homeless ones looking for a place to make their home.

Iggy da Monster is a hoot - mine tend not to want to pose, and run away from the camera. He's tops!

May your Christmas cheer extend to all creatures on earth. And good luck with your French test, Kim.

19 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjen

Thanks Jen! (In another day and a half I am FREE!!!)

19 Dec 2011 | Registered CommenterKiM

hi kim, thanks for posting the photo of my two fur kids, fletcher and gracie!!!! we are so honored to be included in such a great group of well-loved pets!

19 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarolyn

I echo Jen's sentiment in extending our holiday warmth to all our fellow animals, companion and wild, this season and all year round.
And wishing that more animals in shelters are adopted to good homes (like the ones displayed in "Pets on Furniture").

20 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commentersue

Carolyn (Massachusetts) I hope you read this, I looove your green quilt cover set. I'm looking for something like that for years now. Do you know the brand or where to buy it?

21 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarjon

Hi Marjon~
I got it at Crate and Barrel last December. It is a king size duvet cover and the name is Quadri. I couldn't find it on the website any more since it's most likely discontinued but you may have luck on ebay!

21 Dec 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarolyn

It is so nice)

23 Dec 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIrena Ivanova

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