Monday's pets on furniture - part 2
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
I'm emailing with a photo of my handsome little Boston Terrier, Kojo. He's hanging out on a handmade duvet in my old apartment in Washington, DC.
- Kim
This a picture of my living room with my cat 'eye'.
- Sophie (France)
Here’s our dog Hachi trying to catch some well earned zzz’s while I sneak up on her with the camera.
- Toby (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
We were sent this link to a post called Elegant Cats and Feline Asthma written by Dominique Browning (ex-House and Garden magazine editor-in-chief and NYTimes writer). It included the following incredible cat photos from the book The French Cat by photographer Rachael Hale
This photo is of Marxy watching attentively Sunday morning as my husband, Richard, cooks breakfast. Marxy loves to observe everything from her ottoman. LOL!!
- Cindy
Please find attached pics of my beloved calico, Jude, and my neighbor's fawn Doberman Pincer, Coco. (please excuse my exuberance for these dears!!)
-First is the Jude in a beam on our bed. Does the gorgeous Thibaut wallpaper count as "furniture?"
-Second is the Jude on our vintage dining room sofa with a retro spider plant and Block Island beach rocks in the foreground.
-Then we have Coco on the patio table. She does this whenever she is being ignored which alarms us all a bit since she is such a big dog! I call this "dog on glass"
-Last, when we keep an eye on Coco while her people are visiting with thier son who just joined the Marines, ( <3 Kemal!!) she shows us how much she appreciates our attentions. such a peach!
- Samantha
My favorite place to sit and read is often taken by our basset hound Finn when I return. Oddly on this day I was reading "Investigations of a Dog" by Franz Kafka.
- Debra
Reader Comments (8)
I want to complain that the cat on the Parisian balcony isn't technically on furniture just because it's torturing me with envy. ;)
(I'm totally kidding, btw - the cat, scenery, and photo are all beautiful! I want to be that cat! :) )
Oh Hachi is adorable...they all are! Great photo from The French Cat, looks quite the gentleman, with a somewhat unnerving gaze.
These are hilarious! The dog on the patio table? I love it!
x fallon
I love your 'Pets on Furniture' posts. I have two cats and my beloved dog, Sam, so have my camera at the ready for a good snap to send you. I love Marxy watching from a safe distance on his ottoman - how gorgeous! xxx
1) Sweet Marxy is watching you (doing) .. your nice foto reminds me of the immigration at the airport, "Your passport please, Sir. Thank you, Sir", especially with the fine necklace! Behaviour is similar with my cat Paul, he likes to watch a lot and sometimes it seems as if he controls seriously the very correct ongoing of everything in the house; sometimes marching in and out of the room like cat-chef-police-officer to shelter all and everybody against the slightest harm. Going together with a serious eye and a very busy and professional attitude. 2) ... there is always a good chance a very nice treat coming all along right out of the kitchen .. yum yum .. I hear the smell together with Marxy.
OH I love your post! I have a Basset Hound. Love them.
I really must clean my glasses. I thought it said that it was the basset hound who was reading Kafka. He has that haunted look.
Love Kojo, he looks so serious, but very handsome