Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
Lazy day of Bird
- Gina (San Francisco)
William is 6 months old now. We gave him another chair but he's taken to this one, much to my chagrin. Do you think our antlers are safe?
- Karen (Oshawa, ON)
This is my cat, Tom Hanks, sitting on my orange director's that has been with me since freshman year in college - I am now 26 and I currently live in Boston!
- Lex
I wanted to send in this picture of my 1 1/2-year-old Ragdoll cat, Josephine, napping on my antique 1930s sofa.
- My (Northampton, Massachusetts)
Please meet our very decorative 9-month old French Bulldog, Martini. The only furniture he is usually spotted on is our bed and we are amazed that he moved downstairs (!) for this photo.
- Andreea (Bucharest, Romania)
This is Gaspar, an 8 month puppy, crazy like Tasmanian devil but really cute!
- Margarida & Dan (Lisboa, Portugal)
Our three cats LOVE hanging out on the furniture. I happened to snap these pictures early on afternoon when Spurfy, the big grey cat and Hooney, the smaller striped cat were relaxing on my old couch. They love standing on the back of that couch to look out the window as well as attempting to destroy said couch by scratching the arms until the fabric falls apart and I have to buy a new one! They're really ridiculous creatures, but I still love them! Haha!
- Mrs. Biscuit (Arizona)
Attached is a picture of our family dogs, Chester (right) and Coco (left), who also happen to be the mascot of our family store- True North Living. Along with keeping me company, they greet the customers with a sniff and lick. Occasionally they like to model the furniture, or should i say, model ON our furniture. The nest chair is their favorite!
- Katie (Oklahoma City, OK)
Reader Comments (11)
Josephine is napping on the sofa - I get it. But what is napping on your ceiling?
Tom Hanks, makes you smile :)
Chester and Coco! What a great chair, too! Very cool looking store.
Lex is amazing!
Chester and Coco look quite happy!! All nestled in!
Haha, I love the picture of Tom Hanks.
My own cats realx like that to.
Tom is the best cat! :D
Oh Tom Hanks, such a gentleman! That picture may have just made my day!
That horse print behind the bed is amazing and makes the space so much more elegant - bravo!
I am dying over that horse print. Swoon!
I love that Vizla!