Casa Talìa
Run away, get away, fly away. Slow down, pull up, take time. Drink wine, tell stories, find friends, explore. Want to come away with me to Casa Talìa in Modica, Sicily? Yes I thought so. Life is too fast. It's time to slow down, rewind, relax. Another stunning property through Welcome Beyond.
Reader Comments (13)
These are very unique interiors. The rough blocks on some walls made it extra special. The furnishings are exceptional. thanks for sharing this.
no words..... loving it.....
So lovely. Its decorative but also a bit minimal - lets you just focus on friends and relaxing. I adore the tile floors in the first image also!
xo Allison
Spicer + Bank
Hi, What a wonderful place, love it!!!
I'm trying to imagine having a conversation in the skylighted room. But even in my head, the echos are TOO LOUD! I love the view, and the quirky use of gates. Of all the places you've shown us, I think my cat would like this one best. ;-)
Sicily is one of the most beautiful places in the world, have this house in Modica would be a dream!
so stunning! i saw a house almost like this on house hunter international in spain.... i love the cave like feel of it!
V. Stylish
Oh my! My heart literally skipped a beat when I saw this...not to mention I am desperate to go to Sicily. That is an amazing building. Thanks for posting!
We stayed here last month, it was STUNNING! The owners are a lovely couple with gorgeous children (and so were accommodating for our baby) and everything about it was stylish and idyllic. Not much in Modica so I advise a weekend only... Breakfast in the olive garden was bliss and my favourite room is the Blue Mediterranean room but the terrace in the sage green room was lovely too.