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It's November. Too soon for Christmas?

I know. I know. But I couldn't help it when I saw this wonderful wreath on photographer Virginia MacDonald's website. Go on yell at me for mentioning the "X" word but it will probably take you 2 months to weave this :P Lots of lovely lovely photography lolly on Ms MacDonald's site. That's why she is one of Canada's leading photographers. (Kim's previous post on Virginia MacDonald here.)

Reader Comments (15)

it's never too early for Christmas!

You know that saying "Keep Christ in Christmas"?.....well a friend of mine wants to start a "Keep Christmas in December" movement. I'm all over that. I dont want to be tired of Christmas before it really begins. Besides, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and is just getting glossed over.

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBette

yes, far, far too soon. i'm with bette on the "keep christmas in december" movement. it is my favourite holiday, i love all the glitter and music, but i resent having to be bored to tears of it by the time it rolls around. if the merchants must do it, let them, but in the blogosphere world, please, just let november go.

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpolish chick

I'm far from friends and family this year, so I'm going to go ahead and enjoy Christmas for as long as I feel like it and this starts the season off well for me!

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNic

Yes - too soon!!!

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenteralice

Yayyy on to Christmas! Love this post :)

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle Hardy

Target and Wal-Mart started putting Christmas stuff out in September. At least you waited until after Halloween.

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

The stores here put up x-mas decorations over two weeks ago. Xmas lights on palm trees - really festive...

1 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

We don't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving so the lead up to Christmas doesn't kill any other festivities for me. However it definitely depends on how excessive it is. This post, for example, is more about the talented Virginia MacDonald than in your face Christmas overkill & it's an exciting glimpse at the fun to come. If I saw the main street decorated in tinsel this early, I'd be a little weird-ed out. lol! I recently did a Christmas ( what to buy) post and didn't think twice about it, (If you don't want to hear about Christmas yet, fair enough....don't go to a post that has Christmas in the title...) I've planned other celebrations for months and not got sick of them as the excitement slowly builds up until the main event and I can enjoy it because I'm organised. If you're not preparing for Christmas now then surely your Christmas celebrations are smaller than mine..... ?? Going to link now. Ciao. :)

2 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNadine

I don't think it's too early to start thinking about how we are going to decorate for Christmas. Crafts take time and we can't just save all the work for December. So bring on the inspiration and I'll start decorating my house in December. ☺

2 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa

I agree with Nadine and Alyssa. I posted some inspiring pictures for christmas 2 days ago, but is doesn't mean that I will start posting everyday christmas pictures! It's just that I don't plan what I will post in advance ... so I ussually post what I like or what it's inspiring me at that right moment when I open my blog. However I keep my home decoration for December 8th as the tradition dictates.
The other hand, If you remove the gifts from the bench, the picture will be just about a nice place to sit down!!! by the way I post some pictures of wreaths back in August from william-sonoma and they were offering this kind wreath in the middle of summer!!!
I forgot to mention we have a christmas store in Buenos Aires that it's open almost all year! Maybe because we don't celebrate Halloween and Thanks giving here, people doesn't complain about x-mas decoration in November jaja.
For me it's just fine!

2 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterromy

Replies are sooo funny to this!
I'm on the Please wait side of things

2 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShelley

I work retail, so Christmas in December is all about the customers. For myself, I like to enjoy the decorations and planning early, when I'm not too exhausted to appreciate it. Thanks for this, lovely.

2 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I don't think it's too early to think about Christmas. In fact, I put up my dang tree yesterday. Normally I would have waited at least until Thanksgiving, but I bought the (fake) tree yesterday and got a really good deal and was very excited so I couldn't help myself, haha. I enjoy Christmas so much that I don't see any issue with getting the feeling going in November. It's such a fun, magical holiday, who can blame us for wanting to prolong that feeling? To me it flows naturally with Thanksgiving so I don't think I'm glossing over the November holiday.

That being said, I totally understand those folks who feel tired of Christmas by the time it arrives because of this. I just don't have that problem. :)

4 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

We don't have thanksgiving and Halloween is over so I'm so ready for Christmas now!

2 Nov 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLettia

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