Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!)
"This is Saga on her favorite spot."
- Maria (Sweden)
"It's my one year old English Springer Spaniel Rubee. He's hyper so look carefully cause you mightn't see any other pictures of him sitting still ;)"
- Rokoko
"This is my springer spaniel in my chair that I had recovered with fabric by StudioBon. (He probably thinks he's helping me work- the chair is in my office.)"
- Kady
"Here is a picture of my two cats, Mary and Mabel in the living room of our cottage in Muskoka. Mary is on the coffee table and Mabel is lounging on the floor. I've also attached another picture of all three of our cats in the same room. Bodoni is on the chair, Mary's on the table and Mabel is on the floor."
- Jenny (Toronto)
''This is Troy, he's two years old and throughout his life we have bought 3 dog beds, that have ended up being bitten and broken by him, I guess he just wants to tell us that he is more comfortable in our furniture. We bought this pair of chairs in a rage of madness, are made of leather and were a bit expensive, but have been worth every penny because our friends like them and feel comfortable in them''
- Teresa (Guadalajara, Mexico)
"Our cats, Six and Buster, are brothers - they love sleeping next to (or on top of) each other on whatever soft surface they can find (bed, blanket, couch, lap). Here they are curled up on our living room armchair, which goes well with the rusty orange color of their fur!"
- Megan
"Here's photo of Only napping on lazy sunday afternoon on my favorite side of the bed, on my favorite throw blanket!"
- Ed (Auckland, New Zealand)
"the kitty was snoozing on the bed when kira usurped her. the kitty (always called kitty although her official name is midge/skittles - there was some family disagreement) is a five year-old cat and kira is an eleven year-old siberian husky cockapoo cross."
- Danika (Edmonton, Alberta)
"Thought I might submit a photo of my two cats, Rex and Mona relaxing on a winter afternoon."
- Aislin
"Here's my dad's Jack russell Helga lying on my couch totally exhausted after playing with her Boston terrier buddy the whole day."
- Veera (Oulu, Finland)
"My house is under MAJOR renovation (thus the unpainted sheetrock walls) and we are doing it all and one day it will be incredible... soon. we think soon. But I walked by our bedroom one afternoon and found ALL FOUR of our animals sleeping happily on our disheveled bed."
- Paige
"This is Riley, 2 year old Golden Retriever, and Olive "Bug", 1 year old lab mix. As you can see they are best friends who love relaxing on the leather sofa together."
- Amber
"I love your blog and I always think about it when our pups jump up on the couch for their mid morning nap. Our littlest one is our 4 month old Shepherd-Shelty mix Heidi, "The Baroness" and our oldest is our 2 year old Shepherd-Collie mix Mina. They're lounging on our outdated black leather couch that will soon be replaced with something wonderful, we just don't know what that is yet :)"
- Aynsley
"This is Madison resting on our sofa, seemingly waiting for a phone call! The second photo shows more of the furniture:)"
- Gerrie (San Diego, California)
"This is my baby Daisy a boxer mix from St. Louis, on her favorite chair."
- Karen (St. Louis, Missouri)
"Meet Odilon and Louisa, betta fish that I inherited when my neighbor moved and left them. I have given them nice new digs, however. Odilon has a southwestern theme going, while Louisa is pleased with her Mayan ruin look."
- Melissa (Washington, DC)
Reader Comments (9)
Where are those lovely Alvar Aalto prints from in the first picture?
Lovely photos!!!!
I love it!!!!!
For Kate: I'm not certain but I believe those can be purchased through Vitra.
I love the pics of the bettas! So many dogs and cats, nice to see some variety- and what nice fish-decor they have!
Helga, is that your "Boston Terrier" buddy on the floor? Um, Helga... that's a stuffed toy!
Ditto Kate's comment : where are those awesome Aalto posters from ?
All cute, as always ...but the one with all of the pets in the bed is my favorite this week.
All adorable babies. I would love to know all of them. This week, I vote for the orange brother cats, so lazy and beautiful taking a snap! Congratulations to all the owners to make us so happy to see their pretty pets.