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Reader request - kitchen islands

Here's a reader request that came to us a little while ago (sorry, I wish I had time to do these posts more often) from Michelle:
"I'm currently having my kitchen re-designed and built from re-claimed wood. The texture of these re-fashioned door fronts is incredible. The process is an evolving one and will eventually involve a re-do of the kitchen island as well. I plan to put a small stainless sink (round) in the island. Back in April (I think) you had a photo of an island done in re-claimed wood with chrome carts placed underneath for an wonderful mix of industrial warmth (** photo below from I have purchased an old (100 years + door with the original blue paint) that will be cut (yes, it will hurt to cut it in half) and used as each end of the island (the short ends). Beyond this plan, the rest of the design is an open book. I wonder if you can post some island inspiration that will help and that might allow me to think outside the box even more when it comes to how to best utilize the space inside or under the island effectively (storage & cost that is)."

I went through my stash of kitchen photos and grabbed a bunch of kitchen islands that I find intriguing. Hopefully something will inspire you Michelle, although maybe just shoving metro carts under it is a quick/simple/cheap solution. (I'd like to point out that I noticed a few islands with storage for wine which is awfully smart considering I hate most wine racks and have my meager wine collection stashed under my kitchen sink).

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Reader Comments (10)

The first is my favourite :) I want it!

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered Commenterzytuscicus

These are beautiful! I've never owned a home (too young still to afford one!) but with the kind of inspiration you deliver I know that when I finally do get a place, it's going to look beautiful because I'll have so many fabulous ideas! Keep up the great work please!

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCat

I love the first photo too, it makes the others look derivative - if they get too fancy, they lose the charm!

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTricia Rose

Taken by the first island too, stunning!
Happy weekend to you two.

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSlices of Beauty...

what a great round up of photos - thanks for sharing!!!

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

Hmmm... Eric Roth's island scene makes me want to prepare 4 course meals... and i dont cook. All those drawers... the hoarder in me is doing backflips. =o)

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterE

How can someone not cook

Anyway I think the Jason Loucas one would be the most effective for Michelle and the wire baskets could hold plates fruit veggies or silverware.

27 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Only the most industrial or roughest islands attract me in the least? That's rather strange. If it looks like furniture, or is built in -- total turn off. Retreaded minimalism for me, thanks!

28 Aug 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Very nice photos and good ideas. Carreco

28 Aug 2010 | Unregistered Commentercarreco

Thanks for re--posting the barn board island. I can't help but be drawn back to this one. Since sending in my question, I have made progress - with my craftsman/kitchen cabinet maker. I should have some photos to share in the coming weeks.
Thanks for all the inspiration - especially where function is concerned.

28 Aug 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

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