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... Mickey has stolen the best spot on the sofa

WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?

  • Some call him Michael McDowell. Some call him mudpuppy. I call him brilliant. Love everything he creates. Etsy shop here. Supermarket here. Blog here.

  • Found on mudpuppy's blog these wonderful tactile treasures by Esty seller hinomaru.Capture the stars in your hands. Also wonderful sheep, reindeer and more.

  • "Phloem Studio, located in Portland, Oregon, designs and builds custom furniture and cabinets for residential and commercial spaces. We believe good design should be elegant and timeless – and we love to work with people who value quality craftsmanship that will last far into the future." It's true. I couldn't have put it better. I just want to run my hands all over these pieces.


  • Loving these wall prints by Raven & Lamb. Maybe over the desk above. Kata and Maz also create the most beautiful stationery.


  • Malvini create contemporary furniture from massive pieces of wood. It's timeless and rich. Left in its natural state it shows its history as it ages. Pure handcrafted gorgeousness. Available here and beautiful blog here.

Reader Comments (5)

The hanging pots look fantastic. I've only just discovered your blog but I love it. Great stuff.

Mickey is just the cutest!!

Those little things don't look like stars. They look like bombs from minesweeper!

17 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLily

I was doing my regular daily check in of desire to inspire and was so honored to see my own work nestled among all the incredible posts. It seriously means a lot to me as you are one of my favorite go to blogs for inspiration and my daily design fix. Thank you so much. xoxo ~m

17 Jul 2010 | Unregistered Commentermudpuppy

The hanging plants, awesome. I could see one right now next to my desk.

18 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCharon

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