Just a little teaser of tomorrow's post. Cecilia emailed with a link to the most fabulous photographer's website and I think I have a new crush. Then today I was trawling through the newsagent looking for new magazines (Hi my name is Jo and I'm a interior design magazine addict) and picked up the latest Interiores magazine. Latest in Australia that is. Flicking through the pages then "Hola!" there are the pictures from my new photographer crush. Serendipity don't you think? I won't reveal all, not yet. Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow .... Oh before I forget does anyone know of if Spanish magazine Interiores has a website? I can't get enough of this magazine lately. FABULOUS! And Cecilia I know you have a blog but you never left a link for me to follow. Leave a comment below and we will all come over and visit :)
Reader Comments (11)
Love that low wooden coffee table! Now I'm excited for tomorrows post : )
Very nice pic. This is quite a large room. Can't wait for tomorrow's post as well.
Wow, large space. That wooden coffe table is actually three wooden beches, right? Loce the idea.
Hi - have you tried this one + http://www.latestdown.com/Interiores+No.121+March+2010.html
tomorrow? you are so cruel with us...lol.
wonderful picture, 24 hours is very long!
What a tease!
Loving the wooden bench coffee tables!!
A mysterious switch went off in my head last year and I felt compelled to strip my walls of hanging art. Ever since I've loved the expanse of empty vertical space, with select (easy to rotate) art leaning here and there as the spirit so moves.
This room really does it for me.
Congratulations for your blog! I think it is the best of all!
I know this magazine 'Interiores' but I couldn't find a webpage. The only thing I've got is an e-mail, in case you want to contact them. It is as follows:
I can give you other links to Spanish magazines on the internet. Hope they like you!
Best wishes,
I think they don't have a web page.
Another Spanish decoration magazines:
I couldn't find it eather but my favourite is this one:
Diseno Interior. Maybe a little bit architectural but, hey! I'm an architect! :)
Great blog!