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Reader Comments (14)

Great finds!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHelena

Great inspirational photos...I'm off to redo my basement, so thanks for the ideas!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle

Oooooh I'm in love with the bunting, and the wooden 'K' and the wall vinyl... yummy!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKyleigh

That first picture is awesome!!! Makes me think of home!!!


2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCopious Couture

i love love love some of these! kim you've outdone yourself! the colourful blanket in an all white room, simple touches but oh so chic! i LOVE those vintage mirrors in the second image. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdrey

Hi guys! I just have to say that I absolutely adore your website. The pictures and everything is great! You've chosen the best title for it, because it really gave me lots of inspiration. I'm an 18 year old, and I'm thinking about becoming an interior designer, but I'm still not sure, because it's so hard to make a living out of it.. But anyways; thanks for having this blog!

3 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie

That's my headboard in the first snap! A much better shot though than I could ever take :) Hey Natalie just remember to follow your heart. Sure you have to pay the bills but interior design can be used in all sorts of ways. I don't practice anymore (and yes money is part of the reason) but this blog provides me with an outlet. It took me a long time to realise that I never really had to make a final decision on a career or life fresh out of high school. Things evolve and grow. I just wish I had taken time to smell the roses when I was 18. Would have saved me "wasting" six years on a medical degree. Oh dear I waffling! :)

3 May 2010 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

Natalie, you can combine everything from a primary school teaching certificate to corporate psychology with a designing degree -- try not to be blinded by the siren song 'You must make money' -- because the descant you don't hear, that is subsumed beneath the beat, is 'so we can tax it!' We can live on a lot less than we are encouraged to strive for, and very stylishly, too. Especially if we've studied the art.

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Dear Kim (and Jo), your blog has been my homepage for a year or so. I am overwhelmed for including my pic in here (from a communist little flat in Romania), thanks again! And all the photos are gorgeous, especially because they're real homes.

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commentermihameeha

oh, I'm so happy to see my black/white/red granny blanket together with such beautiful pictures!! thank you for posting it, you inspired me to start making another one!!!

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commentersuperninon

Ha, so cool. Yesterday at the flea market my dad just bought a phone that looks exactly like the one in the 8th picture, except it's tan. It looks gorgeous.

3 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSyntheticElegance

Thanks so much for including my granny afghan, that room seems to get worked over once a month, and I was just feeling nostalgic for when it was all white... ah well, love change. And I've got to shoot it again today, so excited about some thrift store paintings I found in Las Vegas a while back.

19 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohnnyvintage

This reminds me of my grandmothers house back in Ohio. She would always customize and hand knit almost anything and everything she buys.

14 Jan 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfajas colombianas

The first image reminds me of my great aunt edie, She's made millions of blankets just like that one <3

15 Jan 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLulu

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