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Long weekend reading list

... is the most strenuous thing I will do this weekend

It's a three day weekend here in Oz. Labour Day. There are no plans for any sort of labour for my three days. Monday for me will be Sloth Day. Solidarity sisters and brothers ;) So here for your delectation is a labour intensive (well hours of bloggy fun) reading guide. Enjoy!













Reader Comments (14)

Merci beaucoup pour ces liens,c'est un régal !!!!!!!


1 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLa Graine

Thanks for the links, love your reading lists!!

1 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHelena

Thanks so much for including me in this amazing round up! i have enjoyed drinking my coffee and looking at all of these great blogs!

1 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPink Wallpaper

I love the idea of 3 days of nothing!! So funny that you refer to it as sloth day. My sister and I have called it "sloth mode" for years! Sloth Mode days are just what the doctor ordered every now and then.

1 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

wowzers my blog count just went through the roof! thanks for including me :) x rosie

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRosie

Thanks so much for the mention! I am flattered and can't wait to check out the other blogs on your list!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSouthern Exposure

Wow. Thankyou SO much for including me in this great lineup. I am chuffed, completely. I have read your blog before I really knew what a blog was (does that make sense). I really appreciate the vote of confidence. Thanks with a capital T

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda from OEKE

Beyond thrilled to be included in this roundup of reading! Some of these I know well, others will be checking out! Thanks so much for the mention...enjoy your loungie "sloth" favorite type of day always!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthe zhush

thanks so much for including me on your reading list! I have been a long time fan of this blog. Much appreciated.

xo, Style Curator.

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterstylecurator

I am flabergasted that you have included me on your reading list! Thank you.... I feel like a groupie who just got a wink from her favourite rock star!

thanks so much for linking to me on your weekend list, i'm so touched, and feel like a groupie too - will check out the other blogs asap - fabulous! x x x

4 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenternestify

Thanks ever so much for including me on your reading list! I'm honored since I've followed Your blog several years. The "main course" in my blog are the pictures so don't let the Finnish language bother You! I'm planning to start writing brief texts in English as well.

XXX Kotilo

5 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKotilo

Thank you very much for including my blog in your reading list. You guys maintain a great blog and I feel very honored to be included with so many other great sites.

6 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPat @ 385

Un grand merci pour le lien , e suis très flattée *

21 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLilouka pour JojO

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