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Kim's temporary bathroom redo

I mentionned here on DTI a while ago that I was working on another home project but I didn't give away too many details. I FINALLY finished and now it's time to share.

I had grown VERY tired of the ugliness of my main bathroom. One day I hope to gut the space and completely redo every piece of it but in the meantime the ugliness was getting on my last nerve. And I needed a project because I just wasn't busy enough. (HA). So here are a couple photos of the bathroom before I tackled it - and this is how it had been since I bought the home more than two years ago.


Trust me, it was even worse in person. The linoleum floor was scratched to sh*t, and so dirty and stained it was impossible to clean. The main light fixture, medicine cabinet, towel bar, light switch plate, outlet plate, toilet paper holder were ALL made of nasty wood. SO GROSS. I'm pretty sure the cabinet over the toilet was hung upside down. The faucet was probably the cheapest one you could buy and was missing a piece on the front to cover the screw. The walls were white and BORING. There's a small window to the left of the toilet that had bright green plastic blinds hanging. There's a second light fixture on the wall opposite the sink that had a nasty 80s vibe. The whole space was just awful. Until I can gut the room, I decided to do a cheap makeover. Some leftover paint, new inexpensive faucet and lighting, addition of a chair rail, cheap lino peel and stick tiles, some items brought in from other spaces around my house to decorate and VOILA, a temporary fix to keep me from losing my mind.

Many more photos to follow.....


Reader Comments (111)

Thanks indeed!, I need to redo my master bath and this idea you gave me is dead on for my budget and the layout too!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYpille

Do you have pictures on how you placed the peel and the linoleum? Methinks it's a meticulous process.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterYpille

Comparing the old light fixtures to your new ones made me smile. This is great, though don't you think it's worth keeping for at least a little while longer than 'temporary' implies? I love it.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline

OH MY GOD! I can't believe that is the same bathroom... without a major overhaul! INCREDIBLE! I love makeovers like this :)

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKerry

Just a tiny temporary fix, eh? Looks grand!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

Kim, great job. It is so inspiring to see what can be done with what you have around the house already... along with some well-priced finds. This is my new Mantra - shopping in my own house (I am already a fan of the bargoon, but it is always inspiring to see what someone wlse has spun into gold). I also like how unconstrained you are - you don`t hold yourself back. It all works so beautifully. Brava!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOttawa alternagrrrl

Kim, you are a genius.

There. I said it. In public. :-)

The bathroom looks WONDERFUL.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaura

Wow, you're a genius!

Temporary will like be quite a while as my fiance is moving in next month and there are some additions to the house we're looking into which will delay that bathroom gutting for quite some time.

Genius?? LOL!! Nah, just call me RESOURCEFUL. :-)

14 Apr 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Wow - what an improvement!

Especially love the bird print skirt on the sink.

Fabulous job!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

Beautiful transformation! I'd love to know where you found that sconce - so great.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErin Moore

an improvement. better - but still needs work. great job so far! look forward to seeing the end result. keep it up!!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commentercrystal

vase de bois from HomeSense???

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commentercrystal

Wow! Wow! What an amazing transformation! Kim, you are a genius, as others have opined! You have given me inspiration. Live in a rental and my kitchen floor is some ugly green linoleum, thinking about changing it but did not want to spend too much. Will have to check out the peel and stick tiles. I have the same mirror. Right above my bed. Fell in love with it the instant I saw it. Amazing, amazing job!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenterteebarnes

Love the elegant clothes hooks, but the black and white graphism is what really works for me: Grounded with the black and opening up to the sky with the white. I like! Stunning and budget-wise!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeborahMcP

Wow! I never post, only lurk - until now. I love your bold, simple clean statement and great pops of color. Awesome job. I have to now pass this on to my m-i-l on how to transform her 80's B&W bathroom the right way.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenterolivia

Awesome!! I LOVE this! Could you please tell me the source of your mirror? It's a Beauty :-)

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMithuna

how colorful! i love it! and i adore the hooks...what is the web of these awsome hooks?

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVirginia Holmes

Forgot to answer the tile layout question - we just decided to start at the right side corner of the tub, because that side is more noticeable than the left side of the bathroom.

Here is a link to the hooks, from Anthropologie.

The black branch vase ($19) and the mirror ($39) are from Homesense, a Canadian discount home store.

14 Apr 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Wow wow wow! You've done an amazing job! Congratulations. I can't believe this would only be a temporary fix..!!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKylie

Hi there, this is as everyone has already said - STUNNING! My question is would you consider doing some inspiration boards or similar for others that have bathrooms that need a temporary makeover. My shower is making my skin crawl currently and frankly my entire bathroom is, well, dull. If you ever want another creative challenge - I would love you to consider my bathroom!

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie

What a great eye you have! I would never have looked at the before and thought this transformation was possible. Congratulations!
My fave - the faucet, what a great buy for $35.
Just one thing ... why did you lose the tree shower curtain from your original bathroom? I love that.

14 Apr 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKimma

Natalie, I would love to help you and others with ugly-ass bathrooms such as mine, but I have a wedding in July to plan, a fiance moving into my tiny house next month, a dressing room to renovate before the fiance moves in, and an addition to get built onto the house. Seems I've got too much on my plate already unfortunately.

Kimma, I LOVE my tree shower curtain and plan to hang onto it, but the pattern was just too much next to the fabric on the sink cabinet (and then more patterned fabric in the window) so at the last minute I had to run out and buy a new simpler shower curtain.

14 Apr 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Oh, I'll just add my dropped jaw, shall I? Wow.

15 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commenteroregonbird

Wow, what an amazing transformation!! Love, love the black & white with splashes of yellow.

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