Some love from Israel
I found a little surprise in my mailbox this afternoon when I got home from work and I am happy to now be able to share it with you all. My home is featured in the latest issue of Nisha, an interior design magazine from Israel. Of course, I can't read it but I'm sure it's a great read (LOL) and it's filled with so many of my photos which is cool considering I am an aspiring photographer (who should really take a course or 3). They sent me a PDF copy a while back which I'll share instead of attempting to scan the actual article. A huge thanks to Shira for including me in this issue. It's such a great feeling (and kind of shocking to be honest) to know that people around the world appreciate the work I've put into my little Ottawa pad.
Reader Comments (23)
Kim, your home looks fabulous. So warm and colourful. Congratulations on a well deserved magazine spread.
Carole x
The article headline says Kim and the seven cats :->
And you really shouldn't be shocked that people around the world know about you - we read your blog !!
and we love it.
Ha! Love the Kim + Cat in the Kitchen photo.
You're no longer an aspiring photographer, you're a published photographer, and beautiful photos they are too. Congratulations.
Many people run with what they love and forge a new career from it with a blog as their base, like Beatrice Peltre and Scott Schuman in photography.
Thanks ladies!
Cinderella , LOL! Suitable headline I've got to say, as hilarious as it is.
Rebecca, I WISH I wasn't so wimpy about quitting my cushy/stable government job.
Can you make it so we can enlarge your images? Not just on this lovely post, but all of them! I miss that option on your previous layout! Thanks in advance!!
Congratulations! I love your home and all the work you do to inspire us!
WOW. Your home is simply amazing and oh-so-cool. WOW. Just WOW!
Wow! That is so cool! It looks awesome!
I think i'l go and buy that magzine!
that's so great!
i think you should start taking hebrew(and swidish off course) class... sinse lately you guy's have been posting a few photos from israel! ( or use google translate...)
lot's of love from Israel
Hillary unfortunately we have no way of opening the photos in a larger size with this new platform. It was the price we paid to get a more organised, easier to use and faster loading site. But you can get the full size by going to the designer/photographer's website. After all that's what we do here ...point the way to super talented people's own websites for you to explore. You can get a larger size of Kim's article by going to here flickr page (you can also click on her photos in the right hand column).
You do have a very joyful home! Love the colours and atmosphere, the mix of elements and your personal style! My favourites are those Ikea gardenchairs and the Panton-chairs, would like to have some as well... :)
Many greetings, Marjolijn
WOW! Your home is beautiful!
I really like the mix of classical design items, like the Panton Chair, and old vases and rugs. Makes your home so stylish, yet personal. Very inspiring.
Thanks for sharing:)
Thanks everyone!
Your home is wonderful. Love all the colours!
I love your home, your photos and of course the cats!
Congrats, looks divine. Must seem unreal, but live it up, girl, it's real! Keep up the good work, please (blog not govt job, heh).
Your home is goooorgeous!!!! xx
Congratulations! Looks great and your photos are perfect! Don't take any classes, it'll ruin your point of're published, you don't need no stinkin' classes!
I have been read the article,it's great.
ofcourse i knew a lot of things abaut you and your home by reading here before.
keep doing your lovly job :)
Congratulations, your home and talent have been captured for the generations to come. Someday, someone escavating through stacks of dusty mags in the back of an antique shop will stop! and there you'll be, inspiring yet another generation of women who get edged away from when they try to explain to their boyfriend's mother why wall photos are SO cool.
Stylistically, Kim, I think Hebrew is a great match for your decorating! And just looking at your home again makes it summer. No matter what the local meteorologist says.
Hello Kim!
I love your blog! It's so inspiring. I'm completely addicted.
Your house is beautiful.
BTW Nisha is a good magazine ;)
Jerusalem, Israel
Congrats! It looks fabulous!