Monday's pets on furniture
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes centre stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks!
"I found my dog, Annabelle, while she was wandering the side of the road. Annabelle was in horrible shape that day-with visible ribs, a uterine infection and an eye in a state of proptosis. Yet, in spite of her condition, my petite white pitt bull remained friendly and sweet. Love struck, I picked her up and brought her straight to a vet-where she underwent quite a lot of medical care. When she finally made it back to my apartment a few days later, the first thing my former street dog did was hop up on the couch, a pretty big feat for a dog with stitches in its belly-that was about 5 years ago. Though not allowed on the couch any more, I had to snap this picture when I caught Annabelle napping. See-the lady in the picture on the wall behind Annabelle? That lady already knew my Annabelle was in trouble, but who can stay mad at a dog who is permanently winking!"
- Claire
"I would like to submit 3 pix for next week. My cats are Daisy and Zelda and they are always on the furniture - on the kitchen table after a bug, Zelda making herself comfortable on the sofa, and Daisy on a cedar chest."
- Wen
"I'm a french fan of your website. I send you a photo of my little cat, named Crunch, on a gossip bench we have bought in a fleamarket. Crunch love it because it feels very cosy. I hope you will love this photo."
- Guillaume
"I would like to submit this photo of my cat, Loki. He likes to sit on this old chair that my grandmother gave to me. For some odd reason, he likes to sit up like he is an actual person. It makes me laugh every time I see it. I know you cannot see the whole chair, but the picture is quite cute."
- Candice
"It's fitting that our Basset Hound Oliver's favorite spot to lounge in our Brooklyn apt is on our leather Chesterfield sofa, from ABC Home. He's under the impression that he's descended from canine royalty, and always likes to be treated as such."
- Erica (***Kim's note - Erica should have sent a photo with more furniture showing but she's helping out with some upcoming blog stuff and her dog is too cute so I am making an exception.)
"This is Jasper Bacon, who resides on the left side of the couch. It is the end of another taxing day, full of wrestling, snuggling, eating and batting things around that shouldn't be batted around. His sidekick Rory (resident of right side of the couch) is protective of his privacy and refused to be photographed for this shoot."
- Grace
"I'm sending some photos of my dog, Eb, who likes to nap on the Papasan in the morning. I've been thinking of getting rid of this chair - but now I'm having second thoughts. That's how much I'm in love with this dog!"
- Kelly
"I love your Pets on Furniture posts each week and wanted to submit a picture of my boston, Ziggy, curled up on one of our chairs in the living room. I took the picture at night so the lighting is not very good, but I hope you like it."
- Candi
"It would have been nice if our Vizsla Bob chose the rug in front of the fireplace as his napping spot. No, it was always all about the green couch facing the fireplace. I always said that when the dogs were gone we'd reupholster the green sofa in a lovely white cotton to complete the white look going on in our living room. There would be no more mismatched (protective) blankets and/or ugly slipcovers in site. Our boy Bob passed away this August. And guess what? I'm not pinning so much for the white sofa anymore..."
- Karen
"Here is a picture of our kitten Bodie (named after one of the corner boys on The Wire) sitting on the bed, watching me while I get ready for work. As she hasn't been outside yet I think she particularly enjoys the wallpaper. Here's another picture of her on her favourite chair (sorry about the unsightly plugs)."
- Ellen
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"My cousin Ayşe took some pictures of her dear dog, Kont (9)."
- Işıl (Istanbul)
"I am attaching a picture of my darling dog, Vivi, for your consideration if you do another dog blog. She is sitting on a chair in our family room. She was quite young then and now she is two and the most precious thing! Now that I am an empty nester, she is everything to me."
- Leigh
"my husband and i live in vegas and are design junkies and dog fanatics. my husband and i have a wine bar in nyc called "clo" dedicated to all things wine and design. read your blog daily, and have always been meaning to submit our 4 doggies for pets on furniture, but keep forgetting. finally remembered before monday this week, so here is the whole crew!
this is dorian, our 185 lb great dane "sitting" on our ligne roset pop chair."
- Brook
"Here's my Bella on my horrible ratty old student-era couch. I do like the fabric I use as a cover, but I am SO MUCH looking forward to getting rid of this thing and buying something more beautiful to take its place! I'm moving to Tasmania soon so rest assured the couch will NOT be coming with me."
- Liz
Some of you may have read my recent post about the 2 stray cats I had to have put down in the past week, and the one I gained. Edgar (formerly Eleanor - turns out a neutered male can look an awful lot like a female) came back from the vets on Thursday with a reasonable bill of health. He is very skinny (verging on emaciation) so I am trying to fatten him up, he has some rotting teeth, and he has kidney issues but is on meds for that so we'll see in a couple weeks how it goes. He is apparently between 9-13 years old so I am very happy that should his kidney problems go away or become manageable, he will be able to live the rest of his life indoors in a loving home (hopefully not in mine, I already have 6!). He has been living on my Ikea hacked changetable/cat shelving since being back from the vets (he doesn't seem too amused by all the other cats) so I have no photos of him on anything but the shelving.
Reader Comments (23)
These photos are so sweet and they make me want to take pics of my two dogs and cat! Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for publishing the photo of our cat Crunch on the red gossip bench.
Your french fan.
Haha, thanks for including Bella and the disgusting couch! I feel a bit ashamed to see it there amongst all the beautiful furniture, though..
I want a kitty so bad. My lease won't allow pets, sadly. I had a cat for 16 years and miss that companionship... especially after looking at these adorable pictures and remembering all the personality quirks my cat had.
I looove this!
Edgar's a dear - And that photo of the Bassett Hound is just perfect! In the minds' eye, I can see the rest of the chair, the fireplace, and the hearth rug~
The guy (or girl) on the orange chair is hilarious.
Hello! I love this post.
Lovely to see so many adored dogs and cats living the life of Riley!!!
Thanks for posting the pictures of our boy Bob. We're still feeling his loss...
You are such a kind person for taking care of the stray cats. I wish there were more people with such compassion.
Each week I think it can't get any better but it does!
Hi. Lovely photos. Those cats are exactly like ours. When there is nobody on the sofa they are immediately on it and usually sleep and enjoy doing nothing. Sometimes they are like people. I'm starting also to be dubious whether they are still able to catch the mouse.
Have you thought about what a great coffee table book these photos compiled would make?
With photos and stories like Annabelle, the pit bull with the permenant wink, it would be fabulous!!!
I'm visualizing it in my living room as we speak...
Karen - interesting idea! (Although I need another project like I need an eighth cat)
Yes but you'd take an 8th cat if you had to. No?
Said coffee table book would be sold out even before it hit the shelves!.
I see myself (I'm good at visualizing) standing in line at Chapters waiting for you to sign my 'first edition' copy (lol).
Karen, you're HIRED! ;)
Some of the pictures are so adorable!! Makes you smile. Thank you!
I have to admit that reading about Bob the dog passing away recently made me tear up a little at work. Kim, I think you're amazing for taking in foster cats — I wish more people were like you! My husband and I have adopted two adult cats from the Humane Society... so far. I'm hoping to wear him down eventually so that we can get a third kitty.
P.S. I think the book sounds like an awesome idea! I'd buy it.
Loki so fat and cute!
Jasper Bacon: superman!
And Oliver, what a pretty face!
Vivi... perfectly beautiful. As is the room she matches perfectly.
But please -- make the blue-eye dog stop STARING at me! Great pet post this week.
Good luck with your sad looking kitty.
i just love the pets on furniture days.
All these animals are amazing...very beautiful...and pictures are very successful