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not again

It's 8:30 pm on Wednesday (I get my posts ready the night before it's published) and about an hour ago a vet was here putting down one of my other strays. This time it was Oscar, the first stray that showed up when I moved into this house. He's been a regular on my porch for almost 2 years. He was a rough and tough little guy and would never have made a very good pet but he always wanted lovin' from me and would follow me home if I found him out gallivanting down the next street.

So unfortunately I do not have the energy nor the desire to come up with a post about interiors right now. Jo and I are sticklers about posting every day no matter what is going on with us but this is the second stray cat in a week that I've had to do this to (see end of this post) and I'm a wreck. There's one more stray left (3 others disappeared and rumour has it they were taken to the Humane Society - which may I add does not have a no-kill policy) and she has an appointment tomorrow. I am soooo dreading the results of this one.

***Friends of Abandoned Pets, a local rescue organization, has been instrumental in helping me get vet care (and food) for my strays and I am so grateful for all that they've done. If you'd like to make a donation to help them care for the many cats and dogs they have in foster care right now (they are beyond capacity, and cannot foster any more animals) please visit their website. Thank you.


Reader Comments (36)

I'm so sorry for your loss. I've had to put down more than my fair share of neighborhood cats, too, and it's always heartbreaking. I'll pass on some advice from my vet - take comfort in knowing that your care and attention made these animals lives so much better. You did right by them.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I agree with the comment by Anon, you did right by them by opening your home and heart. You're a good person. :)

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNina Marie

I'm so sorry for your loss, Kim. I have a cat, too, and they are such sweet animals! You're in my thoughts!

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie

Hope you take comfort in knowing that he, and all of them, knew love.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJo

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how absolutely heartbreaking it can be. I have three cats -- all spayed/neutered indoor cats -- I couldn't stand the risk of losing one of them. You're a good person for having taken such good care of your strays -- not many people would. And I'm so impressed that an organization like Friends of Abandoned Pets exists. We definitely need more kindness like that in the world.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrandi

Thank you for sharing your grief and your loss. It reminds us that those who inspire us are also human! Your love and kindness towards all those cats created a safe haven for them in the midst of a cruel world. Your design inspirations create a sanctuary and discussion forum for those of us who dream. Thank you for being exactly who you are! (and for feeling such a duty and responsibility to your readers!)

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNON SEQUITURS UNITE

aww, so sorry. heart-breaking.
i hope sharing your loss this way helps ease the pain and frustration of dealing with this very real issue. i'm glad to know of this organization. thanks for sharing.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStyle Odyssey

I'm so sorry to hear this news :( I'm such a huge animal lover and this kind of thing is always so heartbreaking. Just know that you continue to do wonderful work and inspire others by providing for these cats. Sigh. I wish they lived forever.

You are in my thoughts!

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenter2 By Design

I am so sorry for your terrible loss. Oscar looks like he was an awesome guy, and very lucky to have had your love and care.
Thanks for doing your part. I hope it inspires more to help.
Best wishes.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpainterjoy

I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so beautiful.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Accessory Lady

Kim, I know how hard it is to put a beloved animal down and I'm so sorry for what you're having to go through. Thoughts are with you.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Beefy

My heart breaks for these poor animals, but also soars knowing there are caring people like yourself in this world.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIntuition Cell

I am so sorry you had to experience that. You have such a generous heart - I hope you don't feel bad because you are already doing as much as you can.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhigh over happy

I'm so sorry to hear this.
You are doing the right thing, I have had to do the same thing and I know that it hurts.
Yes! Spay & Neuter
Its great that you care for these creatures

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

why did you have to put him down?

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commentermyheartisheavy

I feel so sorry for you. We have three of the most funny and sweet cats ourselves, i know it must be terrible to put them down...
But you're doing your best!

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEveline

Thanks so much everyone for your sweet comments. It means alot. The passing of Oscar and Seymour were hard on me even though they weren't really my cats (I have 6 indoor cats) but I was the only one who cared for them and took care of them and made sure they were fed and had shelter in the winter.

Oscar had to be put down because he had an upper respiratory infection that he most likely had because he was probably had FIV, since it's uncommon in cats his age. And he was the roughest of the strays and I would not have been able to care for him in my home. If I hadn't of done this he would have eventually dies from one of these horrible diseases of been hit by a car as his fav game was to chase leaves and bugs in the road.

On a good note, I just heard from FOAP about a half hour ago. The cat I had at the vets today I had named Eleanor because I thought it was a female but it turned out to be a neutered male. SO for now his name is Eli. And he tested negative for FIV and feline leukemia and the only issues he seems to have is weak kidneys and some rotting teeth. Overall he is fine and I'm going to go pick him up and take him home as soon as I get off my laptop.
:)A happy ending is what I needed.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Brutal! Sorry for this loss. I don't even own a pet, yet from previous experience I know this can be a really tough time. My thoughts are with you.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrandie

I'm sorry for you loss. I've had cats all my life, all of them strays. It is nice to make a difference in their lives even if only for a short time.

I live in the country across from an abandoned barn. People drop cats off there often and think nothing of it. I wish they would be more responsible and find a proper home for an unwanted kitty. A barn is not the place.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

I'm so sorry for your loss! I just had to put my beloved shih-tzu Swindon last month after a long battle with cancer. It's one of the hardest but most selfless things a person can do.

xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatherine Lee

Kim, so very sorry to learn of Seymour and Oscar, your sweet cats. I have had the experience and know the pain. You did the responsibile thing and I want to say that you have a sweet spirit.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLouise

I am so sorry for your loss. My family and I adopted an old tired cat we named Mr. Murphy. He filled our home with joy for a few years and then he became ill. Our inside cat, former stray had kitty aids and well. I feed him by hand for several weeks and then finally had the courage to do what was right.
Your voice is heard by some when you tell people to neuter/spay their cats.
Thanks for sharing with us.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commentermb

I meant to type "as well" in the last post.

15 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commentermb

So, so sorry that your kitties are leaving you. If it helps at all, that whole 'human-only' thing to pass the pearly gates is probably totally wrong. And my childhood friend Smokey showed up as Pat the Cat four years after I thought I'd lost him forever at the age of 19. (We were the same age.)

Spay & neuter is the only way to go. The next person who introduces me to their latest kitten deliberately bred -- absolutely meant -- to suffer from the "cute" mental and physical disabilities of inbreeding gets more than a lecture. When did this become a funtime project?

16 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Kim, I'm so sorry for your loss! I'm reading your post with one of my cats curled up in my lap and am sending you hugs.

16 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStefanie Beyeler

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