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Scott Laslie

Scott Laslie's design philosophy is simple. "I work to enhance space with proven design expertise and by adding a bit of the unexpected." Whether it's traditional or contemporary there is a glam vibe to his rooms. They're sophisticated and luxe with plenty of personality. I would kill for those dining chairs in the lead photo. Hey I'd sell my soul for the banquette and metal chair dining with or without the zebra hide.

Reader Comments (2)

Jo - I'll totally fight you for the dining chairs in the first photo, and the items in the other dining room photo with zebra rug. Both would be worth losing an eyeball over.

18 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

I think I'm in love. You girls always have a way of posting the perfect inspiration at the perfect time - THANKS!

18 Jul 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTara

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