Our dilemma
Help! We have a dilemma with the reader's dilemma posts. They are proving so popular that we are swamped with emails (20 in the last 2 days alone). Kim and I love hunting for images to inspire you but we just can't do a post on every dilemma. There would be no room left for all the amazing, wonderful, super talented designers, photographers and stylists we present every day. We still want to help so we may just have to limit it to one or two posts a week. Hope you guys understand because we feel so bad not being able to focus on all the problems. We'll randomly choose a reader's request each week and promise to find inspiring solutions for you. In the mean time don't forget to use the labels as a search tool or our search box. Thanks for your understanding. I'll be back soon with today's WINKS.
Reader Comments (5)
I read your blog religiously, and usually leave with a happy sigh of contentment over the gorgeous images I've seen. But they're not the type of posts that invite constant comments.... So, just wanted to take this occasion to say what a WONDERFUL blog you have, and how much it lives up to its name. Many thanks from those of us who enjoy the benefits of your labor!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment Tara!!!
I second Tara's comment. Regarding your reader's dilemma posts, have you ever considered having a side-business selling your services for this? It sounds like it's a service a lot of people need, and I bet they'd be willing to pay for your valuable time. Just a thought...
That is a good idea Nancy, but Jo and I both have full time jobs on top of blogging and I can barely keep up (and a 90 yr old house that is a mess and 6 cats...). Jo also has an Etsy store that she needs to tend to. BUSY GIRLS let me tell you!
We need more hours in the day...like about 12 more to get everything done. Kim is right when she says that we have full time jobs. Very full time :( Unfortunately we can't at this stage afford the "luxury" of quitting our jobs. Lovely dream though.
I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone that drops by DTI and for all your support. We know that a lot of people don't comment because we're just not that sort of blog but our skyrocketing stats show us that more and more people are coming by each day. It makes it all worthwhile. So just a big thank you from both of us.