Chandeliers to inspire
Emily of New York City wrote us looking for chandelier inspiration:"I was wondering if you had a collection of chandelier photos, specifically funky, alternative or painted. I may be moving to an apartment with boring, gold chandeliers and fancied painting them, but need some inspiration!". My first thought is if you don't like the light fixtures, then replace them (either with cheap ones you don't mind leaving there when you move out, or save the existing ones in the back of a closet to put back up). But if you're serious about going the DIY route, then hopefully the following photos will get your creative juices flowing. It's got me thinking of what to do with the 3 ceiling fans (gross!!) in my house (although 2 of them aren't wired to a switch in the wall so I need fixtures that turn on and off from the light itself - UGH).
Reader Comments (4)
I wish I could swap out my lighting for chandeliers. The joy of renting in Australia :(
Great post Jo..
Boys I would have 2 of everything you sell in your shop if I could :)
Super post!!!