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Easter reading guide part 1

4 days! 4 days without your favourite blogs! What are you going to do? There is always the satisfaction gained from stuffing your face with easter eggs but Desire to Inspire is here to save you from the calorie overload. Yes it's part one of our holiday reading guide. Over the long weekend we'll post not one but 4 reading guides. Close to 80 blogs to gorge on. It's the usual story. Some I've been reading for a while, others I've just found. Some are bigger than others (let's call it a celebration of the little guys and the not so little guys who are well on their way). Some aren't in English and some aren't completely about interior design or decoration. All have lots of archives to plunder. Good luck and if you overdose on blogs I hear that chocolate bunnies are a proven antidote.

If all 4 of these guides aren't enough to satiate your blog addiction this long weekend then check out our earlier guides here.

Reader Comments (17)

Wow, thanks!

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbeachgrl

I can understand why some of these are here but one or two I find less than inspiring. Where is the eye candy as you call it?

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

P.S. And there are 3 more days! Yeah!!

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

Ouch anonymous. That's a bit tough. I didn't promise a reading list of Desire to Inspire clones. I wanted to deliver a list of bloggers who have talent and a voice and whose blogs you may not have visited. It's a big amazing world out there in blogland and we should never self censor. Life's too short not to follow the White Rabbit down the hole into Wonderland.

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

Thanks for including my blog! I thinks yours is pretty rad too.

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commentermytwocents

Awww I'm not in there (the C's)! Perhaps I'll be in the F's? lol

Kidding aside, it's a wonderful idea! Just discovered Darling Dexter now, lovin it!! ;)

I just discovered a flooding on my blog, all redirected and coming from this one. What a surprise, I'm overwhelmed. Thank you so much. I hope I won't disappoint your readers as my blog is somehow different. It is nice for me too to discover so many others. thanks again.
And Happy Easter to all of you.

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterhildA

Oh thank GOD. I was seriously panicked about the blog hiatus. Thanks for doing the legwork for me!

Hey Janick they started out as alphabetical by URL but then I started fiddling with sizes of banner and got sick of that. Then it was 3 guides that became 4 so more cut and paste. Then I forgot a couple that were in another folder and put those in haphazardly and then I took some out that hadn't updated in months and to cut a long story short I think you'll find yourself in there somewhere and not because of your blatant hint :P

22 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

haha!! Jo you're halarious!!
I just saw a flood of views coming in from here today, I saw myself into the part 2! Thanks so much dear!!! :P

wow! my jaw dropped when i saw my humble little blog included...i truly was not expecting that! thank you, thank you :)

22 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkay*

Thank-you for the unexpected mention!

Happy Easter

23 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHolly

Hello! Just wanted to say a big thank you for including my blog in your reading list. I noticed a couple of days ago that my number of visitors had tripled thanks to your link. Hopefully I'll be able to keep a few of those readers hooked now :-) Thanks again!


24 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShawna

I was such a wonderful surprise to see my blog mentioned on one of my favorite blogs!! Thanks so much for including me!

25 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJL

I'm glad to discover your blog!

26 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSoƩla

Thank You
It is an honour to be shown on his blog. I love your blog.
Ana Claudia

I love when you do these!

Just had time to go through it all today. The favourites list is getting longer....

Hope you two had a great Easter!

27 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarb McMahon

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