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Closet ideas

I'm puttering about my house today, cleaning and rearranging furniture (see my Flickr photos for that). At one point I happened to be IMing with my "mother-in-law" and I mentionned that I've been thinking about tearing out the closet in my bedroom since I don't really use it (I use the second bedroom as a dressing room and it has a decent size closet). She, being the intelligent person that she is, mentionned how that wouldn't be such a great idea for resale. Sometimes I like to forget about resale and think about ME, but she had a point. She then sent me these photos she scanned from the magazine she was reading, because she had thought of our conversation about closets. This got me thinking. I'm still leaning towards getting rid of the closet, but these are GREAT ideas and got my creative juices flowing. So if you're doing some spring cleaning too, and have a closet that just collects junk, why not turn it into a cute little office space? Or even a little reading niche?

Photos from April issue of Ladies Home Journal

Reader Comments (7)

Love, love, love this idea!!! An office area would be perfect. Ahhh no unsightly work papers for the guests to see. I love it!

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIn(side) the Loop

My office is tucked into the closet in the smallest bedroom. I can close the doors and the mess on my desk disappears. :)

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaya

I too have my office (well my computer, scanner and printers) in my closet in my office but at the moment everything else is all over the floor. Why is it that I know where everything is when it's a mess but the moment I straighten up I can't find anything?

21 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

I have been pondering this very thing in our spare bedroom. Thanks for sharing!

anyone know where that white round table and brown wooden chair is from?

26 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Can you please tell me, where I can find this white desk (in the first photo)?
Thank you!

10 Jan 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVeronika

Veronika - judging by the style it appears to be vintage (and then likely painted).

10 Jan 2011 | Registered CommenterDesire to Inspire

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