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Alison Gootee

Sometimes it's not just a room that is inspiring. Don't get me wrong the rooms that photographer Alison Gootee has captured through her lens are full of beautiful ideas to steal. It's her editorial work that has me smiling. The colours, the clash and match of pattern, the arrangements both floral and objects come alive through her talent. Love the composition of the shots, love the lighting. You can almost smell the flowers and feel the silk in those billowing drapes.

Reader Comments (7)


12 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim. the colors, the flowers, the vases, the wallpaper...everything. But what really caught my eye was the floor in the second photograph. Is that a rug, tile, linoleum?

12 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbeachgrl

I've just found your blog and I'm hooked. How did I not know about you for so long? Thank you ladies I am truly inspired!

12 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBea

I really like the 2nd and 3rd to the last photos. The varying wallpaper patterns are a really great idea. I also like the ribbon wall but, er, not in those patterns. Very talented work!

12 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKati

Beautiful post! The flowers in the last picture is gorgeous!

12 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterM&Co

I love the wallpaper in the last pix u have.

gold flower and blue or turqouise?
this is the type am looking for. i just bought a lil house & will move inin 4 weeks, and plan to change the wallpaper at my bedroon AND this is exactly i wanted to have.

Gosh! nicey! Any idea how can i get this?

Have a wonderful day,
//swefil chie...

my new swedishblog:

13 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPikiteniang Swefil

The colors are absolutely gorgeous in these photos! love the patterns and fabric!

13 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkemie

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