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Guido Barbagelata

Big, bright, bold .... bravo! Strong gutsy images from Italian photographer Guido Barbagelata. The colours are intense, the composition is spot on and the photos have a real presence. This ain't no wishy washy portfolio. Italians have style and a great eye for beauty but Guido takes it to the next level. You'll find his work regularly in Marie Claire Maison and Elle Decor.

Reader Comments (4)

Many years ago, while growing up in our colorful home, my son asked if he could do something that was " against our religion." I asked what could that be since we welcomed all religions-- he said "paint a room white" I had to laugh and I let him paint the kids bathroom white. After living with it for only a few days he said now he understood why there were no white walls in our home.... only colors ... lots of colors.

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

That red hue and the big clock are just perfect!

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkarina

love the colours and that massive vintage clock!

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuphia

Lovely colours! Shiny and bright!



14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEllas Inspiration

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