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Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the north. I'd like to wish all my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving. I'm going to my younger sister's house for a non-traditional dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. Our parents are in Mexico so we're having a non-parental holiday dinner with people deserted by family. :) In honour of this holiday and the fall season, that I detest wholeheartedly because it means winter is around the corner, here is one thing I do enjoy - leaves changing colour. This is the tree in my front yard.

And while I'm not talking about anything design-y, I thought I should mention that I've got a big "project" coming up at the end of the week that is going to keep me very preoccupied so I won't be posting much over the next few days while I prepare for it. I can't really say much about it now, but I will say that I'm SO EXCITED!!! And not only do I have that on my plate but the preparations for my kitchen remodel as well. I got a bit of work done on the weekend that I will share in a future post on my kitchen blog, but here's a sneak peek.

Reader Comments (8)

Happy Thanksgiving to Canada!!! I'm so excited for you Kim. How's everything going? Panic set in yet? LOL

13 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

Happy Thanksgiving!

13 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

your leave pictures are beautiful!

13 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenter::girl::

Happy Thanksgiving from Saskatoon! We're tearing a hole in our kitchen wall tomorrow - it's a tad chilly for that but we've been waiting all summer, so it's time to get going... before the snow falls.

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaucy

Sorry to hear it's chilly in the Prairies saucy, because it's been in the 20s here the last few days. Perfect for demolition projects. :)

What Jo? ME? PANIC? NAH! (Ask me again on Thursday)

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Hey, that hole is a bit turkey-shaped.
Should I ask? :)
May you soon be cooking in your beauty of a new kitchen.

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAMR

The photo of that tree looks so perfectly fall! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

LOL - AMR, now I'm seeing a turkey. Thanks - I am dying to cook in my new kitchen. And you're all invited. :-)

I had a great thanksgiving with my sisters, thanks for asking courtney!

14 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

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