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My new tattoo

On September 12th, I spent the entire day at the Art Tattoo show in Montreal getting more lace added to my right arm by the lovely and super talented London tattoo artist Delphne Noiztoy of The Lacemakers Sweatshop. I finally managed to get some photos of it healed just before heading to Thanksgiving dinner at my folks place yesterday. 

I absolutely adore it and I am still in a bit of shock that I have this massive tattoo on my arm (every once in a while I look over and it and momentarily get freaked out wondering what all the black on my arm is). There are a few empty spots I would like filled in a bit so I will have to catch Delphine next time she is in Montreal. If you are into blackwork you should check her out. Delphine's work is incredible, especially her lacework. The detail blows my mind. 


The magical workspace and showroom of Audrey Cantwell

This past weekend I was in Montreal for a tattoo convention to get more lace added to my arm. I contacted Audrey of Ovate and the new Cendre to finally schedule a little time to meet her and check out her workspace/showroom. She is so damn sweet and gorgeous and her warehouse space is freaking fabulous. It was a quick meeting and I ran around snapping pics and quickly shopped while my husband looked on in amusement...and fear. I am so envious of Audrey. She is a talented and successful designer in a country where fashion is the farthest thing from most people's minds, and has now launched a shop of curated items from designers that almost no one in Canada stocks (and something I dreamt about doing but had too many ongoing careers to even seriously consider it). If you are ever in Montreal, you really should set up a visit. And fill your wallet beforehand. TRUST ME. But have no fear, you can always shop online. 

I am proud to say that I am no longer a MAD et LEN virgin.


Antiquing in Kingston

I had the day off work yesterday so hubby and I went antiquing so he could look for some vintage radios for upcoming shows he's participating in. I didn't buy much but I sure could have - especially @ End of the Thread Antique Emporium

Earthenware vase, Asian wooden doll and Himalayan cat metal tray from Collins Bay flea market, Century book from Antique Alley, glass decanter and jar from End of the Thread.


Birthday dinner at Fauna

Monday I turned age I have been completely dreading for about 20 years. I took the day off work and did nothing exciting, but husband did take me out for breakfast, and then dinner. We ate at Fauna, a restaurant I have been dying to try since it opened. We adored everything we ordered. Aside from the place pretty noisy and it being hard to carry on a conversation, it was a fantastic evening. 

I have always been a fan of Emeco Navy chairs, but this was the first time I have ever spent a significant amount of time sitting on one. Far more comfy than I anticipated. :) The light fixtures are cool - I think they were all provided by Mike from The Modern Shop.

I started with this incredible cocktail - I wanted a pitcher of it. blue sea = ungava gin / cucumber / black pepper / grapefruit / lemon

Jeff's cocktail was also amazing. the other way = jalapeno infused tromba blanco / agave / lime / plum / cilantro

I wasn't sure how apricots and granola would work as an appetizer but I was blown away. apricot salad = gouda / ginger / almond granola / granola / sheep's feta

It was hilarious watching Jeff try to get through all these olives. 

I decided to skip wine and just have another cocktail with dinner. price tea = lemongrass / earl grey / rooibos / bourbon / citrus

My main was freaking delish. tuna = corn / artichokes / white soy / chili / scallions / carrots / dashi

Jeff had steak (sirloin?) - it's not on the menu so I don't have details but he was in heaven. 

My dessert was pavlova= nectarine / apricot / lavage / bee pollen / honey / lemon sorbet

Jeff had chocolate and malt = chocolate cookies / smoked almond brittle / dolce de leche / chocolate foam / malt semifreddo


Pinch + Timorous Beasties

I'm a little late to this game as it launched in January at Maison et Objet but this sofa collaboration between Pinch and Timorous Beasties is the SHIT.