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new around my house

There are a few new things around my house (nothing major as I'm still waiting to get started with the new house plans) that I thought I'd photograph and share here. 

First up, a really cool air plant and hanging pot that Toronto company Chive sent me. I've always loved air plants but never really had any (they seem to be hard to come by here in Ottawa, although I could have just ordered some online). Super low maintenance - although yes, they do need water occasionally. I hung my new plant up right next to my desk for a little added greenery that the cats can't reach and chew on. Oh - and the folks at Chive surprised me by also sending Larry (Mr. Gnome). CUTE!!!

(Dear gawd I need to paint my desk black....with fluro pink leg tips perhaps....)

On my way home from work the other day I stopped off at a few shops and picked up some things (one is on the mourning cloak), including this art deco woman's head from The White Monkey. My husband said we should call her Grace, because she looks like Grace Jones. She's living on the marble table next to the sofa for now. I forgot to dust her off before snapping these, and she needs a new coat of matte black paint. P.S. They had 2 if anyone wants the other one.

I also picked up this funky little succulent. I need to find a suitable pot for it so for now I'm using a bowl I had on display in my kitchen, and it's sitting on my Normann Copenhagen Tablo table.

I'm not doing any gardening this summer as I don't really care what the yard looks like at this point, but I always buy hanging baskets for my ugly porch and I am a sucker for succulents and had this great pot I was dying to use...

Here are a couple of photos I snapped on my phone yesterday at the cottage. There is NOTHING like cottage season after a loooooong winter to rejuvenate you.

Reader Comments (2)

Love the deco lady head. Was she once a lamp? I love her used as sculpture with your vases.

17 Jun 2013 | Unregistered Commenterpeggy

Grace was apparently always just a head. Not a bad score for $20.

17 Jun 2013 | Registered CommenterKiM

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