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Flea market finds

I have mentioned on occasion that Ottawa is very limited in flea markets/thrift/antique shops. The few we have pretty much suck a**. This morning after a greasy breakie, the hubby and I drove an hour out of town to a flea market in Morrisburg called McHaffie. It's pretty much a whole bunch of crap but amidst the crap I found a few things (and my husband scored some stuff that he was looking for, but more on that another day).

I have always loved old portraits, especially class/team photos like this. I scored this little one a few weeks ago, so I think I'd love to start a little collection of these (but they gotta be CHEAP). It was about $25 and is 34" x 11". The frame is wood and in great condition as is the glass so I think I scored just on that alone. 

I seem to be drawn to glass bottles, and although they are somewhat useless, I could not resist this one as it was only $2.

Not sure what I'm going to do with this, but I'm imagining it in a bathroom with hand towels rolled up and placed in each slot (instead of milk bottles as I'm assuming this was once used for). This was $5.

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