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why he thought this was a good idea...

I think this is the first time I've seen Felix up on the dining table. He only made it up there because I was in the process of vaccuuming and a chair was pulled out. That basket is Phoebe's. Mimin has one on the other side of the table next to my laptop. Phoebe is almost too big for it and she's HALF the size of Felix (or less). Why a 22 lb cat thought curling up in that basket was a good idea is beyond me. 

Reader Comments (9)

that is hysterical. maybe he saw that maru video and felt inspired.

21 Jan 2012 | Unregistered Commenterzimt

LOL! That is some muffin top!

22 Jan 2012 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

He is so cute! Love when you post about your cats. I admire you for having so many and would love to read more about how you solve things like litterboxes, how they all get along, their different personalities etc. Plus pictures from your lovely home of course.

23 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMissKitten

I laughed out loud. Aww Felix .

23 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMaryse

zimt, I just noticed you linked to a Maru video - I had not seen that one. I almost peed my pants. :-)

MissKitten, here on my page you will find posts for each one of the cats that talks about how I ended up with them. I don't really have litterbox problems as I own a house with a basement so I have a litterbox area down there (it's nasty down there anyway so works perfectly). My cats all get along great and each have different and amazing personalities (ok, Cheeks and Milo have always hated each other but they basically just stay out of each other's way, especially now that Cheek is probably about 20 yrs old). I also have photos of my home in many posts on the blog - you can find them here.

Maryse, incidents like this remind me why I am stupid enough to own 7 cats.

23 Jan 2012 | Registered CommenterKiM

Hahaha, I love this!
Cats do to much funny stuff, I own two myself and they make me laugh all the time :)

24 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline

Felix is my kinda guy. Too funny!!

He seems to be thinking "does my ass look big in this?".

28 Jan 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNina

OMG love the silly cat squeezed into the basket.
I have one that does the same thing.
I started just leaving the basket on the table, hoping that will keep her off a few other surfaces.
I love a lot of things you show here, the cat finally got me to write something!

16 Feb 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChloe C

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