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New addition to the living room

Those who follow my Flickr stream will remember the leather African chair a coworker gave me a few months ago. It is made of leather and wooden dowels and had a few issues - the stitching on part of the seat had come undone and the dowels needed to be glued so the chair didn't collapse. I took the leather piece from the seat to an upholsterer and for $20 she re-stitched it and last night my boyfriend glued the dowels all in place. I still need to buy some leather conditioner because it's VERY dry and I may oil the wood a bit. I'm quite pleased with it - it's MUCH better than the white painted rattan chair I had in it's place (since I'm going more for more of an ethnic/earthy/lodge look. As you'll see below, with the addition of a sheepskin rug it's already become a favourite hangout for the cats.


Reader Comments (4)

ah! i just saw this on your flickr stream- that chair is amazing!!! it does so much more for the space than the white chair!

i have this chair that needs a little tlc, itself and I would love to make a white or ivory leather cover for it and stain the arms walnut.

30 Jan 2010 | Unregistered Commentererin lang norris

Thanks Erin! Your chair is CUTE!!! A white leather cover would look fantastic - go for it! (I think the arms would work as they are if you do a white cover)

30 Jan 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Ooh you're right. It works beautifully, especially with your baskets in the background, and it goes blissfully with the ottoman.

It also complements the complexion (furplexion?) of a certain kitty.

31 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Hasenauer

OMG I wish you could see a pic of my cat Kuku! That cat in this pic is her TWIN!

6 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNIKA

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