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Cat #4 - Phoebe

In the summer of 2006 my boyfriend and I had 3 cats at the time (Milo, Cheeks and Lucky) and we decided to get another. One day at work I was looking through my department's classified ads online and found a woman who had 2 kittens that needed a home as she was about to take them to the Humane Society. I knew right away we had to go see these kittens, and I knew deep down that we would end up taking them both home with us. Sure enough we did. We named the kittens Phoebe and Joey. They were adorable together - they snuggled all the time (see photo #2) and groomed each other and Phoebe suckled on Joey constantly. A few months after we got them, Joey became very sick and we took him to the emergency vet. We were told he likely had FIP (an incurable and fatal disease) and we had to put him down that day. They were only about 6 months old at the time, which made his fate so gut-wrenching. Phoebe missed him so much, and started suckling on Cheeks and Lucky. Fortunately they obliged. She is still a big baby, and loves to cuddle with several of the other cats. She is very curious and LOVES to be tied up in the backyard on her harness. She has remained very small and looks like a kitten. She's very photogenic and I love capturing her on camera. (Check out her Flickr set here).

Reader Comments (6)

Hi Kim,
we're thinking of getting a 2nd cat, any pointer on how to pick them so that they get along? Our Siamese is very well behaved and great with baby. But I think he's lonely, so we would mainly get a 2nd cat as a playmate for him.

Thanks :)

23 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNataliya

Having never had a Siamese before but hearing that they can be pretty temperamental, I suggest you google the breed. Perhaps they prefer to be with more docile cats as opposed to energetic ones. Either way, might I suggest that you adopt a cat from your local shelter and not buy one from a breeder. There are too many homeless cats out there desperate for a home. (And for an added bonus, they're cheaper).

23 Jan 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Kim, you take such beautiful pictures of your cats. I'm amazed! I love the close up pictures of Phoebe. What camera do you have?

23 Jan 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda

Thanks Brenda! I have a Nikon D80 and a few lenses. I highly recommend a good DSLR camera. I've been trying to convince Jo to get one for AGES. They're alot of fun.

23 Jan 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

Phoebe is beautiful!

11 Feb 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlevinson & axelrod

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