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At last....

Hello it's me. I had to take a couple of self portraits for a little project and I thought it might be time to post one here on the blog. Still shy. Still not the world's best photographer but here I am in all my 47 years of wear and tear. Hello at last!


This week's finds

I'm trying to cut down on my thrifting addiction. Fingers crossed we'll have a house soon (I hate auctions!) because I'm seriously running out of space. This week I did find a few treasures though that I couldn't resist. The laboratory jar is HUGE ... 53cm in fact. It and the shell lamp were eBay purchases. My second shell lamp. I'm hoping to use these on a veranda with lots of cane furniture and greenery. The sailing cup is from the 1931/1932 sailing season and is going straight to the man cave. Kelvin is a very good sailor so he's particularly happy with this find. Secretly my favourite is the Trobriand Island footed bowl. I LOVE Papua New Guinea pieces and I have several of these island carvings. OK that's it for this week. I just have to promise not to buy anything more next week. Most of these are going in my prop cupboard. It's so bad now that I have to rotate things out of storage because I have no room. Fingers crossed soon I will have news!!!!



She's home but she bought a friend with her



Flicka came home with Fred Flinstone's car. LOL. I had to make room in our over stuffed garage. That's the most space I have seen in there for ages! (I think I have too many projects on the go and also too much furniture!) Now the fun begins as we slowly restore them. We want to keep their cheesy homemade look but hopefully get them working. 5 cents a ride anyone?



Flicka the wonder horse


Call me mad but I just had to have this vintage children's ride. "You're mad Jo!!" I love these old things with a passion (I used to have a big yellow duck) and when I saw that Katherine from The Old Boathouse had recently procured four (I'm an addict remember) I emailed then gas-bagged on the phone and Flicka will be ours on Saturday. He doesn't work but he is heading for the "man den" (think basement) in our new house. If we ever get a new house. I see lots of red wine while horse riding in my future.


Kerbside crawling



It's that time of the year when scavengers are on the hunt in my neighbourhood. I'm always on the hunt ;) but this week is a little different. It's the city council kerb side collection, a treasure trove of rusty fridges, mattresses with unspeakable stains, termite eaten timber and the occasional find. You have to be fast though as the professionals cruise the streets tailed by trailers pouncing on the good stuff. On the way to the train I spotted this. Sad now but with a sand, a paint, new feet and lashings of danish oil rubbed into those arms it will be handsome again. A retro cushion and all will be well. I love recycling. Don't you?