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Jo's page

Who is Jo? Where does she live? Why have we never seen a photo of her? Why is she writing in the third person? Welcome to my page. When I heard I had my own page on this blog to say that I was a little nervous is an understatement. You see I'm a very private person. A very private person who, along with Kim, writes what has become a very popular blog. So it is time to reveal just a little bit about me.  

Hi my name is Jo and I am an interior design junkie. I live in Brisbane, Australia where for the moment my husband and I are renting an apartment. Perhaps by the time you read this I may have a new home. We have been trying to buy something for some time now. (Don't get me started on the real estate market here in Australia ... far too overpriced and under supplied.) The third member of my family is Mickey, my husband's guide dog and our fur baby. My husband you see is blind. Has been since he was 18. Ironic isn't it that I am obsessed by a highly visual field and Kelvin can vaguely remember green but has no idea what chartreuse is!

I think that's enough for my first entry. Hopefully this is where I'll reveal my dream home when we find it, take you on the journey to make it my own and curse, laugh and cry along the way. Welcome to my page!




Reader Comments (6)

Long time no see :) Great to catch even just a glimpse of the mysterious MCJ. LOL. Love the new layout ladies. Keep up the great work!

7 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

I forgot you guys were moving to a new (virtual) space -- I love it, the blog looks beautiful! And I *love* your living furniture (or whatever this photo is of) -- yea, success!

10 Nov 2009 | Unregistered Commentercara

Good luck getting on the property ladder.
It's difficult everywhere I think.
Looking forward to reading more.

12 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJan

Mickey is gorgeous! What a sensational photograph. Good wishes with the blog.

6 Dec 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJane in Sydney

Love the art work, and the photo of Mickey!

7 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGregory Piccini

Hey Jo,
I love your blog. I will come back here soon! Beautiful writing and pictures, ideas and so on. Regards from me

25 Jun 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBebete

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