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Entries in window (42)


A Muskoka cottage

We received an email about this "cottage" which I think is an odd term for such a HUGE home that is located in probably the most expensive "cottage country" in Canada. The Muskokas are where them rich folk hang out in the summer. And homes like this are not their primary residences! Insanity, I know. The interior of this home is pretty blah, but I was blown away by the views out of each and every window (which are apparently all fancy top-of-the-line windows says the info we were given on the home). Picturesque!


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Reader request - bay windows

I hear fairly often from readers that they don't know what to do with window treatments for bay windows. I frankly hate bay windows unless they come with a gorgeous century old Victorian house. Otherwise they are typically 80s non-decscript nightmares. I received a request for each of these scenarios recently:

"Just closed on a new house, and though we will not be renovating for some time (while hubby finishes his Masters) a certain level of charm is required :))) We have a total of 4 bay windows (minto makes ugly bay windows, just a side note) that begin about a foot below the ceiling, not always centered on the wall and DON'T take up the whole wall. in my mind they look too deep, too low and very very awkward. I was wondering if you have any pictures of fresh, clean and not too too spare ways of decorating these. I find many people either go overboard with curtains or go very sparse with just blinds. I am hoping to have roll up blinds for privacy, but can't decide on what to do for the charm factor :)" - Nat

"Could you give any ideas on how to dress a bay window in a living room of a period/Edwardian house? I have been searching for it for a while but I am finding difficult to find anything.... ideally something not to heavy looking, so that the living room does not look any smaller." - Susana

I went through my stash of living rooms photos (thousands) and found the following that included bay windows. Now, some of these window treatments are a little odd or impratical, and some I don't really like, but it's all I had. I am a fan of either sheers like the first photo, or wooden blinds with curtains at each edge similar to the James Merrell photo. Hope this helps ladies!!

Living Etc.
Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi
Shoot Factory
Light Locations
Kwinter & Co.
Guido Barbagelata
Oak Management
Light Locations
James Merrell
Markham Roberts Inc.
Homes & Gardens

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