I hear fairly often from readers that they don't know what to do with window treatments for bay windows. I frankly hate bay windows unless they come with a gorgeous century old Victorian house. Otherwise they are typically 80s non-decscript nightmares. I received a request for each of these scenarios recently:
"Just closed on a new house, and though we will not be renovating for some time (while hubby finishes his Masters) a certain level of charm is required :))) We have a total of 4 bay windows (minto makes ugly bay windows, just a side note) that begin about a foot below the ceiling, not always centered on the wall and DON'T take up the whole wall. in my mind they look too deep, too low and very very awkward. I was wondering if you have any pictures of fresh, clean and not too too spare ways of decorating these. I find many people either go overboard with curtains or go very sparse with just blinds. I am hoping to have roll up blinds for privacy, but can't decide on what to do for the charm factor :)" - Nat
"Could you give any ideas on how to dress a bay window in a living room of a period/Edwardian house? I have been searching for it for a while but I am finding difficult to find anything.... ideally something not to heavy looking, so that the living room does not look any smaller." - Susana
I went through my stash of living rooms photos (thousands) and found the following that included bay windows. Now, some of these window treatments are a little odd or impratical, and some I don't really like, but it's all I had. I am a fan of either sheers like the first photo, or wooden blinds with curtains at each edge similar to the James Merrell photo. Hope this helps ladies!!
Living Etc.
Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi
Shoot Factory
Light Locations
Kwinter & Co.
Guido Barbagelata
Oak Management
Light Locations
James Merrell
Markham Roberts Inc.
Homes & Gardens
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