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Entries in shop (141)


More from The Loft

Actually that should read "First from The Loft".The pop up shop as dream home in the previous post was actually The Loft's second installation. Here is their first, a summer version, from mid last year. Equally fab but you'll have to admit that a building's amazing bones (like version 2 below) make for an even more amazing experience.

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The Loft

It's a concept that is growing all over the world. A pop up shop styled as a hip and happening home where everything is for sale. One minute an empty space. The next a drool worthy abode where shoppers can buy one item or the whole concept. In the case of The Loft in Amsterdam I doubt they would have been able to get the customers to leave at the end of the day. Never mind if you missed it's recent three week run though. The pieces are also available online or perhaps you'll just hang out for the next super cool pop up.

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The Little House

Close the door on the hustle and bustle of the everyday. Calm, relaxed, stylish. Simple beauty in Brighton by Zoë Ellison and Alex Legendre of i gigi.

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Hams and Bacon

OK. OK. It's a produce store, coffee stop, sandwich purveyor (sister store to Pope Joan) and not a domestic interior but look at it. It's yellow. I'm still on my colour campaign as you can see. Besides I've always had a fantasy about living in a coffee shop. All that caffeine on hand! Hams and Bacon by Figureground.

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Dangerous spaces

THE APARTMENT by The Line where everything is for sale. Dangerous spaces indeed.