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Entries in rustic (268)


Stalking on a Saturday

I'm stalking another wonderful example of the imperfectly perfect or is that the perfectly imperfect? All I know is the location is perfect, Avalon in the Northern Beaches/Pittwater area of Sydney. The house is a perfect little shack. A little shabby but as stylish and chic as a shack could ever want to be. And the view from the deck is ... sigh ... perfect. Please someone buy it and keep it just as it is. It's being sold as a development site (it will no doubt have a ridicously high reserve price) but in the perfect world of my dreams this little shack will be bought by my best friend who will let me use it any weekend I like. Link here while it lasts.

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Mr and Mrs Charlie

Welcome to the wonderland home of Mr and Mrs Charlie. Charlie Kinyon, an artist working in Austin and Sydney  and Melissa Ninham creator and maker, weaver of wire and rope and dreams. Together they create and explore. This is a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of creating beauty, an expression and a statement. I love it. I wish I could live like this. (At least for a few days .... I think that is all I'd be brave enough to do.) Finding beauty in the old, the odd, the found, the discarded. You can see more on their blog and their instagram.

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Mestre Paco

There's nothing like a rustic interior with bits of modern to keep things current... throw in Spanish architecture and I'm packing my bags. These spaces designed by Mestre Paco, based in Mallorca, Spain are just the right amount of rustic and modern. They're easy-going, easy maintenance (no scatches on the floor!), and in my humble opinion, pretty sexy. 

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The ancient, the artisan and the Apple era

New work from San Francisco based interior designer Antonio Martins. The Atelier is the room he has created for the 2013 San Francisco Decorator Showcase, opening Saturday. Layers of design, layers of textures and finishes, layers of meaning. A small space that spins a story through the most basic of materials, burlap, but is refined and elegant in the telling. A man's space, an artisan's lair, a collector's sanctuary. A place away and yet in the present, a place beyond and always in contact with the world. A beautiful place.

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Casa Bramasole

"If less is more then this is a lot." Welcome to Casa Bramasole, a little piece of Scandinavian living mixed with rustic Italian in Umbria. A true fairytale - a beautiful historic building rising from the ruins. You'll find me on this Monday morning taking coffee on the terrace sleepily drinking in the spectacular view of the Lago Trasinemo below. Might take a dip later. What a place to take an imaginary break on the first work day of the week!

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