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Entries in modern (425)


London real estate stalking #2

As promised, here is another Domus Nova property. This time it's a rental, which is probably good news as I'm not sure how many buyers would be tickled pink to discover red carpeting and a bright orange bathroom. I do love how neutral the spaces are with colour brought in through furnishings. Most people do it the other way around. I think this takes far more bravery. Check out that sofa for example. Surely more of an investment than a can of paint.


London real estate stalking #1

The kind folks over at Domus Nova (estate agency extraordinaire) must have sensed how swamped I am these days so they ever so graciously sent over some photos of some of their latest homes for sale. This first one if fantastic for the most part - but I am not loving the sterile kitchen and what's the purpose of 2 dining tables? The distortion thanks to the camera lenses used would certainly have me calling us Domus and asking for an appointment to view in person. I do however adore the bathroom, staircase, wood stove setup and furnishings (helloooooo TWO Papa Bear chairs!!). I'll be posting another home shortly so stay tuned!

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LineBox Studio

I am frankly really embarrassed to have not blogged about architectural firm LineBox Studio before, as they are based in Toronto and my lovely city of Ottawa. And now that it sounds like my husband and I have to start our house plans from scratch (maybe wrecking the existing house and starting new) with a new architect (who knows something about Ottawa building codes), I might hit these guys up for some much needed assistance. I found several funky projects on their website, renovations and infills included, and the following home here in Ottawa (really?!?!) was initially a 19th century butcher shop with heritage designation. I freaking love it...ESPECIALLY the sunken fireplace seating pit!!!!


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Andy Martin Studio

Gesamtkunstwerk. It's about a totally integrated work of art, a holistic approach to design. Think about the architectural design of a building combined with interior design, furniture design, art and so on. Everything is considered for the whole. OK enough of the design lesson. Let's look at this fab modern redesign, the latest residential project by Andy Martin Studio. It's Andy's family house in Notting Hill Gate. The existing 2 level mews house was redeveloped into a 4 level family home.  A simple historical facade  opens onto a space that it not expected. A space that is modern and considered, where solid plays against void, light against heavy, smooth against texture. But driving it all is the need for a family space, a workable albeit stylish home.

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Still far from the norm

Definitely far from the norm. Minimalist, white, mid century classics, a dash of black to heighten the mix, bagged bricks and bleached floors and just because it's amazing how about the IKEA PS MASKROS sitting cheek by jowl with Hans Wegner's Wishbone chairs. The Fredensborg house by Norm Architects Copenhagen. White perfection.

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