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Entries in maps (2)


Flickr finds - maps


Reader's dilemma

Ami wrote in with a request. "I am trying to find photos of studies/home offices that incorporate old world maps. We’re trying to make our home office area into a old world study/library kinda like the ones with antiques maps, globes, big thick books…Indiana Jones-ish.Do you know where I can find such photos? I want to get some décor ideas."

Well Ami I trawled through our files and came up with some map ideas. Not all are home offices and some are definitely not Indiana Jones (OK some are far removed from hunky archaeologist characters) but all are full of ideas for displaying maps. I personally love maps used as wallpaper or framed between two pieces of glass or acrylic to let the wall colour show through. Beautifully arranged grid patterns are also stunning (hard work to measure up though). I've included a range of styles here for all you map lovers out there and as you can see not all are exactly maps but I thought botanicals, flags and astronomy charts could be included at a pinch. Take an idea from here mix it with a look from there and maybe a colour from over there. Now you're on your way!

Lauren Rubinstein Imagine this with map snippets!Mark Luscombe- Whyte
With maps! Steven GambrelRobin Bell
Vogue LivingAgain Steven Gambrel and again with maps
Antoine BootzRobin Bell
Ralph LaurenZoldan Interiors
Steven GambrelLocation Works
BombusYes even Martha Stewart
pedalpowerChez Larsson