Park Slope Townhouse
An exercise in the effortless mixing of contemporary design and traditional features. Park Slope perfection by Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design.
An exercise in the effortless mixing of contemporary design and traditional features. Park Slope perfection by Elizabeth Roberts Architecture & Design.
It's at times restrained and contemporary. At others it's OTT. It's old and new. It's eclectic. It's light hearted. It's fabulous. It's French. It's Rue du Japon Toulouse by Paris-based design duo RMGB, aka Baptiste Rischmann and Guillaume Gibert.
Recently I've been seduced by English country-style kitchens but every so often I return to my first love. This bright white modern kitchen has more than enough mid century to make me smile. From the Marina Residence in Huntington Harbor, California, a mid century remodel by Jette Creative.
This renovated 3 bedroom apartment in Sydney, Australia is sleek and modern with a black and white colour scheme. This combination makes for a very chic and dramatic pad. The open concept space is punctuated with a kitchen design that I absolutely love - as much as I love a fabulous kitchen, it's even more fabuolus when it doesn't really look like a kitchen at first glance (I thought it was a dressing room!). By POCO Designs.
You know how I often jest about packing my bags and moving into the houses I virtually stalk? This time I really am booking a flight, knocking on the door and politely, but very firmly, muscling my way in. Designed in 2000 by architect Allan Powell and with gardens by Eckersley Garden Architecture (2014), I'm at a loss for words. I wouldn't change a thing if it was mine accept my address. It's perfect ... well almost. I won't be able to afford it. Listing here while it lasts.