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Entries in grey (142)


Dark boy

Dark and moody. The room, not the teenage boy I can see dumping piles of clothes in the corner and stayying up late into the night by the glow of a computer screen. By Sydney based Designers In The City.


The no words just pictures real estate stalking posts for Easter part one

My 4 day Easter weekend is crazy busy. I have a shop fit out to complete and a second one to start. Teasers I know but hopefully I can reveal more soon. Please forgive me if I just share lots of lovely pictures over the next few days and very few words. None in fact except for the link. You only come here for the pictures anyway. You know it :)


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A simple, yet stylish grey bedroom. Love the mirrored "barn door". Photography by Jody Kivort.


Studio Bakker

Stylist, art director, interior designer, creative. Many hats, one man - Stef Bakker of the Amsterdam based Studio Bakker. Moody greys, industrial elements, vintage, warm wood and patina. It's a tactile, stimulating and inspiring.

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Anna Carin Design 2

I needed more from the portfolio of Anna Carin Design. Wonderful and white in inner Sydney Woollahra. Just the right mix of contemporary, vintage, white and wood with open plan living and calm private areas. Throw in some subtle colour and it's a stylish, functional family home.

Photography by Cate Gray.

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