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Entries in concrete (143)


Steel butterfly

A concrete, glass and steel butterfly alighting on a Californian meadow. Wings spread in the sun. Light on the land despite its monumental materials. An owner's dream. An architect's creation. The Butterfly house by Feldman Architecture.

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A weekend home in Burgundy

I am completely infatuated with this home in Burgundy, France. It is the weekend getaway for interior designer Clarisse Prudent and her family, and was completely renovated over the span of 15 months. It is a gem, with concrete floors, very basic architecture, lots of windows, lofty on the top floor and filled with lots of vintage pieces paired with a few classics. My favourite touch - the photographic artwork. Via The Socialite Family.

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Sawmill House

A collaboration between two brothers, one a sculptor, the other an architect, both with a passion for re-use and recycle. One tonne blocks of waste concrete anchor the building within the site, an old sawmill, and produce a patchwork of colour and texture. At 100sqm the house is not large but a series of moving walls and doors open the inside to the out expanding the visual boundaries of the rooms. Sawmill House by Archier.

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Happy Friday!

TGIF! It's been a hellish week at my day/desk job and I am so grateful the weekend is here! To end off the work week, I thought I would share this really cool idea for a side table - consisting of concrete blocks and a clamp light. It does not get much simpler than that! Industrial vibe, cheap and easy...and comes with built-in shelves! ;) Via The New Design Project


Set in concrete

This L-shaped concrete family home embracing a pool and outdoor entertaining space has stark modern lines tempered by timber tones and soft furnishings. The standout mural is by Lucas Grogan. Style set in concrete by McKimm.

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